Joy Behar Suggests Republicans Hold a Racist Double Standard

September 3rd, 2008 3:07 PM
Republicans really hold racist double standards when it involves teenage pregnancies and marriages. This according to Joy Behar, who shared such a sentiment on the September 3 edition of "The View." Discussing the pregnancy of Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, Behar expressed sympathy for the father and fiancé, Levi Johnston.Behar exclaimed it’s "the end of his life" because "he’s married at 17" (…

Media Tout 'GOP Slamfest,' 'Hard-Edged Attack' on Obama

September 3rd, 2008 1:42 PM
Unlike the celebratory response to the opening nights of the Democratic convention a week ago, the three network morning shows offered restrained recaps of Tuesday night’s speeches at the Republican convention, and continued to portray Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as a liability for the GOP ticket.On Wednesday’s Today, NBC’s David Gregory had the GOP taking “swipes at Senator Obama’s limited…

Networks Grill Rudy Giuliani On Sarah Palin

September 3rd, 2008 1:41 PM
Appearing on all three network morning shows on Wednesday, Rudy Giuliani was inundated with questions about McCain vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, including one question by Meredith Vieira on NBC’s Today: "So, what do you say to the people who are questioning the judgment of McCain in selecting her? He has always been known as a maverick, but also as somebody who can veer towards the…

Matthews on Palin: A Pitchfork Secessionist

September 3rd, 2008 12:43 PM
Cross Posted At Video Done Right MSNBC’s Chris Matthews charged GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as being a member of Alaska’s Independence party. Members of this party advocate to secede from the union and place all federally owned land under state control. Even after Howard Fineman mentioned he received documentation from the McCain campaign showing Palin had been a registered…

CBS: WaPo’s Sally Quinn Slams Palin’s Parenting: Needs to ‘Rethi

September 3rd, 2008 12:06 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez had a roundtable discussion on Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s ability to serve in office and be a mother: "The question, can a mother of five, including an infant with Downs Syndrome, be an effective vice president?" Washington Post reporter Sally Quinn was part of the panel and's interesting that here I…

CNBC’S Harwood: ‘Left-of Center Bias’ is Real

September 3rd, 2008 11:09 AM
John Harwood, CNBC's chief Washington Correspondent, admitted this morning "that people who talk about bias in the mainstream press, left of center bias, are not imagining things."  He went on to explain, "It has to do with the kind of people who go into journalism, okay? So I'm not arguing with that general notion.  I think that those of us in journalism have to do our best to try to present the…

David Gregory Wrongly Says Media Have Not Questioned Palin as Unfit Mo

September 3rd, 2008 10:06 AM
On Wednesday's "Today," NBC reporter David Gregory, against all evidence, suggested that the media have not questioned whether Sarah Palin will be able to balance being both vice president and a mother. Referencing a earlier interview in which McCain surrogate Rudy Giuliani attacked reporters for doing exactly that, Gregory huffed, "That question has not been brought up by the media." "Today" co-…

Fox & Friends Cites NewsBusters in Discussing Media’s Anti-Palin Pre

September 3rd, 2008 9:46 AM
In the last 48 hours, the establishment media’s bias against Republican Sarah Palin has become a full-fledged feeding frenzy. This morning on FNC’s Fox & Friends, the anchors noted how the pop culture mag Us Weekly is now bashing Palin with a harsh cover story, “Babies, Lies, and Scandal,” when just a couple of months ago the same magazine ran a sappy cover piece featuring Barack and…

Obama Booked On O'Reilly; McCain Aide Trashes Media's Palin Frenzy

September 3rd, 2008 8:25 AM

Paging Stuart To Heal Scarborough-Olbermann Spat

September 3rd, 2008 7:15 AM
Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann began to poignantly patch things up two nights ago.  But there's clearly still mucho trabajo to be done to heal the rift between Joe Scarborough and the temperamental Countdown host.  Readers will recall that during the Dem convention, Olbermann was caught [accidentally on purpose?] on an open mic suggesting Scarborough "get a shovel" for his failure to toe a…

Prime Time Focus on Palin's Deficiencies, Couric: She's a 'Turnoff

September 3rd, 2008 7:00 AM
Sarah Palin's presumed lack of qualifications and the assumed failure of the McCain campaign to adequately vet her consumed much of the ABC, CBS and NBC prime time hour Tuesday on the Republican convention. CBS's Katie Couric was the most aggressive. A flustered Couric demanded to know from McCain adviser Steve Schmidt how anyone could possibly “compare” Palin's public service with the more…

MSNBC Obsesses Over Palin's Damaging 'Hard Right' Pro-Life Stand

September 3rd, 2008 5:03 AM
Obsessing over Sarah Palin's pro-life position on abortion, MSNBC hosts and reporters on Tuesday night repeatedly raised it and painted it as a detriment to Republicans even though last week with Democrats the channel did not similarly pursue how a solidly left view on abortion might hurt Obama and Biden. By the count of the MRC's Geoff Dickens, between 8 PM and midnight EDT, MSNBC raised…

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin, Channeling Howard Dean, Says GOP ‘Not Divers

September 3rd, 2008 2:02 AM
CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin echoed Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean on the subject of "diversity" in the Republican Party during CNN’s Tuesday evening coverage of the Republican convention: "I'd just like to make an observation about sort of the night as a whole. Fred Thompson, George Bush, Joe Lieberman -- the Republican Party, are they the party of old, white guys? I mean, this is who the…

Olbermann Sneers at Thompson Speech

September 2nd, 2008 11:56 PM
Reviewing speeches at the Dem convention, Keith Olbermann was like a mother describing her child's performance in a middle-school musical.  "A grand slam across the street," enthused Olbermann over Hillary's effort, only to outdo himself by calling Obama's speech's "spellbinding" and "extraordinary." But when it came to reviewing Fred Thompson's speech tonight at the GOP convention, Olbermann…