On 'Today,' Matalin Slams 'Hair-on-Fire' Media for Attacks on Palin

September 2nd, 2008 12:47 PM
Appearing on Tuesday's "Today" show, Republican strategist Mary Matalin slammed the media for its "hair-on-fire" coverage of Sarah Palin's selection as the Republican vice presidential nominee of John McCain. In particular, she corrected a previous segment by David Gregory which asserted that the Alaska governor had hired an attorney to defend herself against an ethics probe into possible…

NYT: Daughter's Pregnancy Fair Game, Asks How Palin Can 'Juggle Those

September 2nd, 2008 10:52 AM
Meet the newly minted traditionalists at the New York Times, two female reporters who seem to doubt whether or not a woman can have it all -- at least if she's a Republican vice-presidential nominee.The Labor Day edition of the Times's "Political Points" podcast, recorded at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn, was hosted by Jane Bornemeier with commentary from reporters Jackie…

Public Service or Bias? Reporter Helps Protesters With No Sense of Dir

September 2nd, 2008 7:06 AM

CBS's Greenfield: Conservative Might Have Been Hypocrites on Pregnant

September 2nd, 2008 3:19 AM
Instead of just flat-out making a hypocrisy accusation against “the social conservatives” who “are rallying behind” Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin following news her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, CBS's Jeff Greenfield suggested “very conservative Republicans” may be hypocrites based on how they might have reacted eleven years ago. On Monday's CBS Evening News, Greenfield, at…

PBS Fans Insist White Men -- A 'Herd of Bulls' -- Can't Do News

September 1st, 2008 11:06 PM

Bennett, Live on CNN, Rebukes CNN for Exploiting Palin's Daughter to S

September 1st, 2008 8:55 PM
Late Monday afternoon live on CNN, Bill Bennett rebuked -- as an “outrageous” piece of “advocacy” and “attack journalism” that “has no place on CNN” -- a story the channel had just run which used the pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter to score political points by relaying as fact the talking points on sex education from a left-wing group. A defensive Wolf Blitzer kept saying “hold on” as he…

Olbermann To Matthews: 'I Miss You Already

September 1st, 2008 8:49 PM
It's a love-in, man!Looks like the grown-ups at NBC/MSNBC have taken the kids aside and told them to kiss and make up.  After the embarrassing "tension convention" [to quote Imus] at the DNC amongst Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough, we've already seen the Countdown host plucked out of the GOP convention, under the convenient excuse that he would be anchoring—back in NYC and…

Lib Media Meme: Woman's Place Not in the Veep's House

September 1st, 2008 6:08 PM
We've noted how CNN's John Roberts asked it last week, only to get politely rebuked by colleague Dana Bash, and how ABC News's Bill Weir picked up on Saturday with a similar question about whether Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) can handle being vice president while also being a mother of five, only to have colleague Cokie Roberts object:Without mentioning Weir, Roberts said questions "about who's…

MSNBC: 'Fire-Breather' Palin 'Makes Obama Look Like John Adams

September 1st, 2008 5:18 PM
On Friday’s Countdown show, while appearing as a guest, Newsweek’s Howard Fineman, also an MSNBC political analyst, contended that, regarding her level of experience, Sarah Palin "makes Barack Obama look like John Adams." Host Keith Olbermann called her "the least experienced vice presidential candidate probably in American history," and repeatedly applied labels to her suggesting extremism,…

NewsBusters Interview with Kevin Farley of 'American Carol

September 1st, 2008 2:52 PM

Kroft Cues Up Obama to Agree Palin 'Has Less Experience than You

August 31st, 2008 10:33 PM
CBS's 60 Minutes led Sunday night with a taped interview with the Democratic ticket and in the piece Steve Kroft, who couldn't resist labeling Sarah Palin as a “conservative” while never tagging Joe Biden, presumed as fact that Palin “has less experience” than Obama and cued up Obama to agree with his own campaign's rhetoric about how Palin undermines McCain's experience argument: Does the fact…

Clift Reveals: In 'Many Newsrooms' Palin Greeted by 'Laughter

August 31st, 2008 2:43 AM
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift disclosed on the McLaughlin Group -- seemingly without any compunction for how she was outing her fellow journalists as behaving the same way as Barack Obama's campaign staff, but I suppose we already knew that intuitively -- that John McCain's selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for VP was greeted by “literally laughter” in “very many newsrooms.” From the show taped…

Hemmer Stunned by Maher's 'Ready to Have Sex' Rebuke of MSNBC

August 30th, 2008 9:23 PM
Stunning Fox News Watch host Bill Hemmer, panelist Jim Pinkerton, picking up on a NewsBusters post with video (“Maher: Matthews and Olbermann 'Were Ready to Have Sex with' Obama”), from just hours before the FNC show aired live at 6:30 PM EDT Saturday from St. Paul, pointed out that MSNBC's Democratic convention coverage was so adulatory that it led to:Bill Maher, who's no conservative, who hates…

Maher: Matthews and Olbermann 'Were Ready to Have Sex' w/ Obama

August 30th, 2008 12:48 PM
The media in general, and MSNBC in particular, are so far into the tank for Barack Obama that even the far-left Bill Maher, on his HBO show Friday night, recognized “there is a problem...with the media gushing over him too much.” Specifically, though he didn't name co-anchors Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, Maher pointed to MSNBC's coverage following Obama's acceptance speech: “The coverage…