CBS Skips Not 'Proud,' ABC, CBS Decline to Label Liberal Kennedy

August 26th, 2008 1:55 AM
After Michelle Obama's Monday night speech at the Democratic National Convention, ABC and NBC mentioned her “for the first time in my adult lifetime I'm proud of my country” previous slap at the United States, but in the context of how she resolved any doubts. ABC's George Stephanopoulos declared: “Tonight, there was no doubt. The money line in this speech was that line when she said, 'that is…

CNN’s Toobin Frets Dems Not Slamming GOP Enough

August 26th, 2008 12:50 AM
On Monday night shortly after Michelle Obama finished speaking, CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin, as he expressed his disappointment that the Democrats didn’t go negative on the first night of their convention, inserted a barb against the Republicans: "...There is one big missing piece tonight I think, which is why the American people should throw the bums out. We haven't heard one word about that. We have…

Olbermann: 'I'm Beginning to Sound Borderline Sycophantic

August 25th, 2008 11:56 PM
Beginning?  Borderline?How unbalanced was MSNBC's tag team tonight?  When Keith Olbermann felt himself getting verklempt over Michelle Obama's speech, he threw it, for some fair-n-balanced commentary, to . . . Chris Matthews. At the conclusion of Mrs. Obama's appearance, Olbermann almost seemed ready to call the election off and just hand the presidency to Obama by acclamation.KEITH OLBERMANN: Ye…

On PBS, Lehrer Asks Carter About 'Positive Ripple Effects' of Obama's

August 25th, 2008 10:20 PM

CBS’s Schieffer Shares How Daughter Was Conceived at ’68 Conventio

August 25th, 2008 6:51 PM
File this one under "too much information." On Sunday’s Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer got very personal as he reminisced about attending the 1968 Democratic convention, the first convention he ever attended: “I have to say the first one for me was the most memorable -- not for political but for personal reasons. My first daughter was born nine months to the day after that one. As she later…

CNN Labels Dem Convention Speakers as Some of the 'Most Liberal

August 25th, 2008 6:32 PM
Previewing the first night of the Democratic convention on Monday's "Situation Room," host Wolf Blitzer and a network graphic repeatedly identified the announced speakers as liberal. The CNN anchor asserted, "The speaker lineup for tonight, by the way, here at the convention, includes some of the party's most prominent and most liberal members, including the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator…

CNN's Cafferty Takes Cue from Dems for Question to 'Situation Room' Vi

August 25th, 2008 6:12 PM
Shortly after the Democrats gaveled to order their 2008 nominating convention at 5 p.m. EDT, CNN's Jack Cafferty did the party of Jimmy Carter a favor by pushing its economic message on his blog and the network's "The Situation Room" program with his question of the hour. Cafferty listed negative-sounding statistic after negative statistic, failing to offset them with even one praiseworthy…

PBS's Ifill Fawns Over Michelle Obama on MSNBC

August 25th, 2008 5:08 PM
Live from Denver, Colorado, on Monday, Brian Williams hosted the 1 p.m. hour of MSNBC's "News Live" and featured guests Gwen Ifill of PBS and Michele Norris of NPR to talk about Michelle Obama’s upcoming primetime speech at the Democratic National Convention. The segment turned out to be a love-fest of Michelle Obama and her humble roots. Williams started off the segment by asking the…

ABC's Cuomo Identifies Liberal Organization as 'Non-Partisan

August 25th, 2008 4:38 PM

CBS ‘Early Show’ Offers Puff Pieces on Michelle Obama

August 25th, 2008 2:58 PM
In preparation for Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention, Monday’s CBS Early Show continued it’s fawning over the wife of the presidential candidate as co-host Harry Smith declared: "Michelle Obama steps out tonight to address the nation. Is she Barack's best asset?" The show featured three segments on Michelle Obama, two of which were complete fluff.In the first segment, Bianca…

Time Magazine on Michelle Obama's 'Nuclear-family Nostalgia

August 25th, 2008 1:32 PM
Writing on "Michelle Obama's Savvy Sacrifice," Time magazine's Jay Newton-Small sought to bring out what the Illinois senator's spouse "is less likely to talk about" when she addresses the Democratic National Convention tonight. No, not her Princeton thesis or her being proud of America for the first time in her adult lifetime but rather: that this tough, razor smart Chicago native had to…

Joe Biden Omission Watch: Iowa Schools Do Better Due to Less Minoritie

August 25th, 2008 1:05 PM
Now that Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his vice presidential running mate, will liberals in the media question the Delaware senator about a Washington Post interview from October 2007 in which he cited low minority population as a reason Iowa schools are performing better than those in Washington D.C.? Biden asserted in the October 25, 2007 article, "There's less than one percent of the…

ABC's Cuomo to Obama Adviser: 'Do We Know What Michelle is Wearing

August 25th, 2008 12:54 PM

CNN's Martin: 'Crazy Folks on the Right' Distort Michelle Obama

August 25th, 2008 12:02 PM
Monday’s "American Morning" featured a segment on CNN political analyst Roland Martin’s recent TV One interview with Michelle Obama which seemingly sought to counter negative assertions about Obama by Republicans and “crazy folks on the right.” After airing a clip of Obama talking about her blue-collar upbringing, during which she stated that her story was the "quintessential American story," co-…