Loony Don Cheadle Wishes ‘Avengers’ Villain Thanos Would Kill Trump

April 29th, 2019 11:15 AM
You know the power of imagination is one of the most important characteristics of the mind of a child. Just ask Don Cheadle about his ever-more involved fantasies about the death of President Donald Trump. They’re getting more creative. A couple of years ago he just wanted Trump to “die in a grease fire.” Now the actor is on record to say that he wished Trump could be killed off by Marvel…

Kristen Stewart: Tired of Seeing Hetero Films ‘All the ‘F**king Time’

April 26th, 2019 4:20 PM
Hollywood may be one big sexually perverse cesspool, but for it’s languid denizens, it’s still not weird enough. Bisexual actress Kristen Stewart had a lot to say about LGBTQ representation in Hollywood this past week, demanding that the tired old straight people angle needs to go in favor of a whole new set of gay fictional material.  

Amy Poehler: ‘Hard’ Not to Have ‘Panic Attack Every Day’ Under Trump

April 24th, 2019 2:28 PM
Amy Poehler, famous SNL alum and star of NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation got candid about feminism and the state of America under President Trump, revealing that such intense topics may be starting to push her over the edge. In a Hollywood Reporter interview, the comedian spoke to journalists about how she has become a rabid feminist in the wake of the #MeToo movement, and how the election of…

WashPost: Sri Lankan Attack Stirs ‘Far-Right Anger’

April 23rd, 2019 10:48 AM
Outraged about the hundreds of people blown to shreds as they were (in Dem PR-speak) Easter worshipping in Sri Lanka? You might be a member of the “far-right.” So say the Washington Post’s Adam Taylor and Rick Noack. The pair sought to delegitimize anger at the Islamist barbarism by reactions from “far-right” figures in Europe and the U.S.

‘Hail Satan?’ Documentary Premieres on Good Friday

April 19th, 2019 2:14 PM
In an effort to stick it religious conservatives, Magnolia Pictures is premiering their new documentary on the Satanic Temple, Hail Satan? in Los Angeles on Good Friday. Hail Satan? chronicles the Satanic Temple members’ fight for “religious freedom” against organized religion.

WashPost: ‘Far Right’ Ben Shapiro Tied to ‘Racist Conspiracy-Peddling'

April 18th, 2019 7:29 PM
In back-to-back articles, The Washington Post slimed conservative commentator Ben Shapiro as being ‘far-right’ and that his recent comments claiming that Notre Dame belongs to the “Judeo-Christian heritage” have contributed to “baseless, racist conspiracy-peddling” targeting Muslims.  

Hollywood: Trump, Barr ‘Driving a Stake Through Heart of Democracy'

April 18th, 2019 3:13 PM
Even the release of the Mueller report wasn’t enough to dissuade Hollywood from its collusion delusions.

Rolling Stone: Notre Dame ‘Burning Feels Like Act of Liberation’

April 18th, 2019 9:36 AM
Although the progressives at Rolling Stone offered their condolences to the French in the wake of Notre Dame’s Monday fire, they pondered whether the devastation of the 900-year-old Cathedral opens up the possibility of reincarnating the structure as a monument to the secular “modern France;” because heaven forbid a progressive society rebuild a symbol to “non-secular, white European France.”  

Vox Writer: Trump ‘Trying to Get Ilhan Omar Killed’ Over 9/11 Comments

April 17th, 2019 2:22 PM

Accusing the president of “trying to get” someone killed is pretty over the top. But Vox’s David Roberts isn’t exactly known for keeping his mouth shut.

FLOTUS Blasts ‘Small-Minded’ Anna Wintour For Vogue’s Lefty Bias

April 16th, 2019 3:46 PM
Former model and cover girl turned First Lady Melania Trump hit back at Vogue after its editor-in-chief made her preference for Democrats clear to CNN.

The Cut: 'Unplanned' is 'Dangerous,' Could Inspire Killings

April 16th, 2019 9:23 AM
The pro-life biopic Unplanned movie is doing well in theaters and that has the left-wing press freaking out — even claiming it could “could get someone killed.” New York magazine’s culture outlet “The Cut” attacked the movie about former Planned Parenthood nurse Abby Johnson’s biopic as an “anti-abortion propaganda film” based on her “personal (and also precarious) account.”

De Niro ‘Still Has Hopes for Collusion,’ Calls Barr’s Memo ‘Pathetic'

April 12th, 2019 4:27 PM
Well, Robert De Niro’s back to his anti-Trump antics again, and while you’d think that he’d have to put down or at least shy away from his enthusiastic Robert Mueller SNL impression — since the “No collusion” report of course — the legendary actor stands by every bit of the role, saying that it’s his preferred bit of “activism” and his “civic duty.” And even with Mueller not being Trump’s…

Hollywood Reporter Gushes Over ‘Twilight Zone’ Episode On Racist Cops

April 11th, 2019 4:34 PM
The Twilight Zone is a television classic, and news of its return under producer Jordan Peele, the horror director behind films like Us and Get Out, brought with it a deluge of media excitement. But so far this isn’t turning out to be your grandfather’s favorite after-dinner chiller. The new version is chock-full of progressive themes, and while that might not be what die-hard fans were expecting…

'Textbook Ignorance': Trans Soldiers Slam Military Ban On ‘The View’

April 10th, 2019 3:29 PM
The View hosted two trans women military members on Wednesday in order to get their personal accounts on President Trump’s impending trans military “ban.” The segment obviously was sympathetic to the pair, felt the U.S. armed forces cater to their gender reassignment needs, but like most View segments, it turned into another attack on the president’s shocking “textbook definition of ignorance,”…