MRC Latino
Univision Goes Full NoKo in Propaganda Piece On Biden's Health
Univision took a shot at its best impression of a state-run-media a la North Korea, with a propagandistic report intended to proclaim President Biden as the healthiest man alive following the White House's announcement that he had tested positive for Covid.
Latino Media Mad That Sanctuary Cities Are Asked To Provide Sanctuary
The anchors at the Spanish-speaking corporate media got triggered by the migration crisis occurring, not at the southern border towns where tens of thousands cross into the United States daily – but at the sanctuary cities of New York and Washington, D.C., where busloads of migrants from Texas and Arizona have been arriving under the orders of their governors to be provided … sanctuary.
Telemundo confirma relación doméstica en caso de violación infantil
Tal parece que Telemundo es el único medio de comunicación nacional que activamente busca señalar a la verdadera víctima del horrible caso de violación de Ohio: no el abortista, sino la niña cuya inocencia quedó destrozada por un familiar en su…
Madre de víctima de violación de Ohio defiende atacante en Telemundo
La espeluznante historia de una niña de 10 años que fue violada en Ohio parece haber empeorado. En una exclusiva de Telemundo, la madre de la víctima defendió al violador calificando los cargos como una invención y afirmando que la niña estaba bien.
Telemundo Anchor Slams 'Taco Jill' Biden Over Remarks
Four days after the first lady of the United States publicly compared Hispanics to breakfast tacos, anchor Nacho Lozano, from Telemundo, was still vexed enough about the 'awful analogy' to call Dr. Jill *in Mexican slang*: a BS artist -- yo de lengua, me como un taco.
Mother of Ohio Child Rape Victim Goes on Telemundo, Defends Rapist
The horrendous story of the 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio appears to have taken a turn for the worse. In a Telemundo exclusive, the mother of the victim defended the rapist, calling the charges a fabrication and asserting that the child is fine.
Loas de Univisión a trans embarazado embarazado con mellizos
En Univisión, el milagro de la vida se celebra dependiendo de dónde venga, según comprobó el equipo de la Edición Digital de la cadena. Minutos después de validar el aborto como método anticonceptivo en un informe sobre la venta sin receta de píldoras para el control de la natalidad, "ahora que el aborto no es una opción", los presentadores Borja Voces y Carolina Sarassa, ilustraron a…
Univision Celebrates Pregnant Trans With ´Unaffected Masculinity´
Celebrating the miracle of life is a matter of who’s at Univision, as the network´s midday news team showcased. Minutes after validating abortion as a birth control method during a report about selling contraceptive pills over the counter, “now that abortion is not an option”, anchors Borja Voces and Carolina Sarassa, enlightened their audiences with the ‘marvelous story’ of how Ian Alejandro…
Medios hispanos SUPRIMEN que los tiradores de Richmond son ilegales
Los infatigables defensores de los inmigrantes indocumentados en los medios nacionales hispanoparlantes, decidieron morderse la lengua y ocultarles a sus audiencias que los dos guatemaltecos arrestados en Richmond, Virginia, por presuntamente planificar un tiroteo masivo el 4 de julio, eran en efecto, inmigrantes ilegales con enlaces a una …
Latino Media SUPPRESS That Richmond Shooters Were Here ILLEGALLY
The foremost defenders of undocumented immigrants at the national Spanish-speaking media, suddenly bit their tongues and skipped telling their audiences that the two Guatemalan men arrested in Richmond, Virginia, for allegedly planning a 4th of July mass shooting, were, in effect, illegal immigrants who have connections to a drug gang that operates in Mexico and the U.S.…
Telemundo: Invasión de migrantes es en realidad el sueño americano
Un informe de Telemundo sobre el caos en la frontera sur rápidamente se convirtió en un ataque contra las autoridades del sur de Texas por declarar una "emergencia por invasión de inmigrantes; una frase bastante fuerte para quienes buscan el sueño americano".
NYT difama a las "latinas de extrema derecha" para anular su etnia
El propósito del repugnante ataque del New York Times de ayer en las candidatas al Congreso por Texas Cassy García, Mónica de la Cruz y la congresista Mayra Flores (R-TX34), titulado “‘La ola roja ha llegado’: el ascenso de las latinas de ultraderecha", fue…
Telemundo: Migrant Invasion Is Actually the American Dream
A Telemundo report on the chaos at the southern border quickly became a hit piece against South Texas authorities for declaring “an emergency due to invasion of immigrants, a rather strong phrase for those who seek the American Dream”
The NYT’s ‘Far-Right Latinas’ Smear Was About Ethnic Disqualification
The purpose of yesterday’s disgusting New York Times hit job on Texas congressional candidates Cassy García, Mónica de la Cruz, and Congresswoman Mayra Flores (R-TX34), titled “The Rise of the Far-Right Latina”, was to signal them as race-traitors to the rest of the Acela Media, and have that as…