
Remember When Latino Media Revered Insurrectionists? We Do.

January 5th, 2022 3:32 PM

The nation’s Spanish-speaking media are joining the corporate media's effort to goose their ratings with their own special programming to commemorate the “attack on democracy by the followers of President Donald Trump”; at Univision, the special goes by the name of “Assault to the Capitol: Testing Democracy”; at Telemundo, it´s an “Attack on Democracy”. But it wasn't that long ago that these…


Telemundo Anchor Gets Salty At Inclusion of Abortion In Axios Poll

December 29th, 2021 5:00 PM

Telemundo anchor Nacho Lozano was fine covering the recent Axios/Ipsos/Telemundo poll of Hispanics in the United States, until he realized it also polled abortion.


Himno a las drogas brillará en especial ´familiar´ de Univisión

December 23rd, 2021 4:56 PM

Univisión se apresta a celebrar la Nochevieja con una rimbombante programación especial en la que participará destacadas estrellas de la música latina. Entre los intérpretes invitados, se encuentra el rapero Farruko quien cantará su éxito ´Pepas´, una selección que nos lleva a preguntar: ¿Por qué Univisión decidió darle pauta a este himno al consumo de drogas ilegales en un especial diz que…


Univision's NYE 'For The Entire Family' Features Pill-Popping Anthem

December 23rd, 2021 4:06 PM

Univision has big plans for its New Years' Eve special, featuring a lineup of popular Hispanic artists. Among them, rapper Farruko is set to perform “his chart-topping hit Pepas” (Pills), which begs the question: why does Univision's show, billed as “filled with love, music, and culture, for the entire family”, feature this ode to pill-popping?

DE NUEVO: Se friquea Politico por críticas a Kamala en radio de Miami

December 22nd, 2021 5:08 PM

La última entrada en el perpetuo patatús de los medios de comunicación provocados por la radio am en español de Miami llega gracias a Politico y bajo un título que le cae como anillo al dedo,  "Irritados los demócratas por los ataques de radio en español contra…

AGAIN: Politico Freaks Out Over Kamala Criticism On Miami AM Radio

December 22nd, 2021 2:10 PM

The latest entry in the media’s ongoing meltdown over Spanish-language AM talk radio in the Miami market comes via Politico and was aptly titled “Democrats riled by Spanish-language radio attacks on Kamala Harris.” But why was it that they’re “riled,” and what purpose did this item serve?


Univisión se mofa de Trump por abucheos de sus seguidores

December 21st, 2021 4:26 PM

Univisión dio fe una vez más de su obsesión con el expresidente Donald Trump. Esta vez, la cadena informó en tono burlón que a Trump le abuchearon "sus propios seguidores" por decir que recibió la vacuna de refuerzo contra el coronavirus durante una entrevista en vivo desde Dallas con el expresentador de Fox News Bill O'Reilly.


Univision Sneers at Trump for Getting Booed Over Booster Shot

December 21st, 2021 11:59 AM

Univision proved once again that former President Donald Trump lives rent-free in their heads. This time, the network gleefully reported that Trump was booed by “his own followers” for saying that he got the COVID-19 booster shot during a live Dallas interview with former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly.

Latino Media SUPPRESS Vaxxing of L.A. Student Without Parental Consent

December 15th, 2021 5:41 PM

The nation's Spanish-speaking media routinely act as a public relations division for Gavin Newsom, assiduously delivering content that promotes the California governor as a protector of Latinos. However, these same national networks suppressed the news of a Hispanic student that was enticed with pizza, vaccinated without parental consent in a Los Angeles school, then warned to not tell his…


CNN En Español oculta arresto de productor pedófilo de Chris Cuomo

December 15th, 2021 12:38 PM

La cadena noticiosa hispanoparlante que siempre encuentra tiempo para demonizar a cualquier persona que no concuerde con su agenda izquierdista, dígase CNN En Español, no le dedicó ni un solo segundo a la noticia del arresto del productor de CNN y mano derecha de Chris Cuomo, John Griffin, acusado por pedofilia.


Medios hispanos abogan para que California sea santuario del aborto

December 10th, 2021 2:44 PM

Esta semana, las cadenas hispanas nacionales se esmeraron para contarle a sus audiencias (en su mayoría conservadoras) lo fantástico que sería si California se convirtiera en el santuario del aborto de la nación, especialmente porque las latinas pobres en, digamos, Texas, no pueden, ni tienen el dinero, para pagar un aborto de 26 semanas en su estado.


Latino Nets Push California Move to Become Abortion Sanctuary

December 9th, 2021 5:35 PM

This week, the national Hispanic networks made a point to let their (mostly conservative) audiences know just how fantastic the prospect of California becoming the nation's abortion sanctuary would be, especially as poor Latinas in, say, Texas, wouldn't have the money to pay for a 26-week abortion they can't get in their state.


Univision DEMANDS Dems Bypass Senate Parliamentarian, Pass 'Plan C'

December 8th, 2021 6:35 PM

On Wednesday morning, the crew at Univision's Despierta América made a desperate call to Senate Democrats to ignore Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough, and pass the so-called "Plan C" for Immigration Reform in the "infrastructure" reconciliation package.


Periodista de Univisión opta por darle coba a Psaki

December 8th, 2021 5:03 PM

Un reportero de la filial de Univisión en Atlanta aparentemente decidió usar su tiempo frente a la secretaria de prensa Jen Psaki como su audición para un puesto en la campaña de gobernación de Stacy Abrams.