MRC Latino
Hispanic Networks Highlight Anti-Law Enforcement Protests, Violence
June 29th, 2018 6:02 PM
Coverage of the “Abolish ICE” protesters who oppose the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy against illegal immigration has reached a fever pitch on the nation’s top Spanish-language media outlets.
Informe de Univisión revela el desafío de muchos solicitantes de asilo
June 29th, 2018 4:35 PM
Una noticia de Univisión sobre la reunificación de una madre guatemalteca con su hijo de siete años tras ambos entrar ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos el mes pasado, quizás inadvertidamente dejó entrever la actitud desafiante hacia las leyes de inmigración estadounidenses asumida por muchos de los miles de inmigrantes que han entrado al país en los últimos meses en busca de ´asilo´.
Univision Report Reveals Defiance of Many Asylum Seekers
June 29th, 2018 2:10 PM
A Univision report on the eventual reunification of a Guatemalan Mom with her seven-year-old son after the two unlawfully entered the United States last month perhaps unwittingly opened a window on the inherently defiant attitude to the immigration laws of the United States that characterizes many of the tens of thousands of ‘asylum’ seekers that have been entering the country in recent months.
Univision Badly Botches Report On Puerto Rico Statehood Bill
June 28th, 2018 11:50 AM
Univision can't contain itself from broadcasting its preferred resolution of Puerto Rico's going on 120 year-old territorial status - not even when reporting on the filing of a bill that would correct the still festering historic anomaly and make Puerto Rico the 51st state of the Union.
In the Univision Bubble, ‘Everybody’ Celebrates Pride Month
June 28th, 2018 9:54 AM
The dramatic disconnect between Univision and the audience it purports to serve and know best - the U.S. Spanish-speaking Hispanic population - is especially evident each year during ‘Pride Month’, that time of the year when the nation’s LGBT community struts its stuff.
Univision Misreports SCOTUS Ruling On CA Forced Speech Law
June 27th, 2018 9:37 PM
We’ve often stated that immigration is the beating heart of Univision’s policy agenda, but the network has also taken to championing other liberal policy items. As its coverage of the Supreme Court’s ruling in NIFLA v. Becerra proves, abortion is at the top of that list.
Telemundo y Univisión a la deriva en su cobertura de frontera
June 27th, 2018 9:11 PM
Tal y como era de esperarse, las dos principales cadenas noticiosas hispanas, Telemundo y Univisión, olfatearon sangre y tomaron armas en la cruzada de locura arrojada por los medios liberales en contra de los esfuerzos de las autoridades migratorias por manejar la súbita alza de inmigrantes entrando ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos.
Bashing Trump at the Border: Telemundo and Univision Go Ballistic
June 27th, 2018 5:26 PM
As was to be expected, the top two national Spanish-language television networks, Telemundo and Univision, smelled blood and piled on to the liberal media frenzy over the efforts of federal immigration authorities to handle the recent spike in adults and minors entering unlawfully into the United States.
Juez federal a futuros deportados: no vengan
June 27th, 2018 8:55 AM
Aunque los noticieros de Univisión se distinguen por su fuerte sesgo en materia migratoria, están en una posición única para presentar una perspectiva singular sobre un tema complicado de una manera que sus colegas en otros medios nacionales no pueden igualar.
U.S. Judge to Future Deportees: Don't Come.
June 25th, 2018 10:54 PM
Although Univision's Spanish-language newscasts are mostly known for their strong open-border bias, they are also uniquely positioned to deliver a unique perspective on what is otherwise a complicated issue, in a way that their counterparts in other national media cannot match.
¿A quién le interesa otro lanzamiento en inglés de Jorge Ramos?
June 25th, 2018 9:48 PM
La plataforma en inglés del veterano presentador de Noticias Univision Jorge Ramos atraviesa otra reconfiguración, esta vez como parte del bloque de programación de Univision en Facebook Watch. Pero el contenido ahora, ¿será sustancialmente diferente , con una posible audiencia que rebase por mucho las docenas de televidentes de Fusion?
Desde el baúl de los recuerdos: ¡niños, no crucen la frontera!
June 24th, 2018 1:59 PM
El debate sobre las detenciones de menores y la separación familiar se ha intensificado desde que el presidente Donald Trump emitió su orden ejecutiva. Pero un video de 2014 muestra que las conversaciones respecto al tema tenían un giro muy distinto hace apenas cuatro años.
Throwback Thursday: Don’t Cross the Border, Kids!
June 21st, 2018 7:20 PM
Debate over child detentions and family separation at the border has gone into overdrive in the wake of President Trump’s executive order. But a video from 2014 shows that discussions of coming into the United States took on a very different tone just four years ago.
Jorge Ramos delata su apoyo a socialistas que acosaron a Nielsen
June 21st, 2018 5:10 PM
Durante un reporte en el que anunciaba el acoso a la secretaria de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos, Kirstjen Nielsen, quien tuvo que marcharse a toda prisa de un popular restaurante mexicano en la capital estadounidense, el presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos, reveló mediante su tono de voz, su apoyo a los manifestantes ´anónimos´, y quienes en realidad son socialistas que abogan por la…