FLASHBACK: 36 Years of Media Derision & Scorn for GOP Veeps

July 7th, 2024 10:10 AM

Expect the media elite to greet Donald Trump’s new running mate with derision and scorn, because that’s what has faced (nearly) all Republican VP candidates since the Media Research Center began tracking political coverage in the 1980s.

FLASHBACK: Lib Media Hated Hur’s ‘Elderly...Poor Memory’ Biden Report

July 5th, 2024 9:38 AM

In February, journalists vilified then-Special Counsel Robert Hur for honestly reporting that the decision not to pursue charges against Biden for willfully mishandling classified documents was because a jury would likely find Biden a “sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.”

FLASHBACK: Media Denounced GOP Bill to Save Billions in Health Costs

June 30th, 2024 10:05 AM

With government debt out of control, seven years ago liberal talking heads emotionally denounced a Republican plan to repeal-and-replace ObamaCare, proposing a bill that would have saved an estimated $473 billion over ten years.

FLASHBACK: Media Seethed Over the 2020 ‘Sh*tshow’ Debate

June 23rd, 2024 10:12 AM

Four years ago, when Donald Trump and Joe Biden met in the kickoff debate of the 2020 cycle, the liberal broadcast and cable networks crudely blasted Trump’s performance and crowned Biden the “winner” of “the worst debate in modern history.”

FLASHBACK: Before Bidenflation, Media Championed High Gas Prices

June 16th, 2024 10:05 AM

The media’s open lobbying for high gas taxes has faded since the public’s revolt against the cruel inflation of the Biden era, but MRC's archives show journalists have been determined advocates for higher taxes and higher pump prices for many decades

FLASHBACK: How TV News Botched Clinton’s 1996 ‘Filegate’ Scandal

June 9th, 2024 9:58 AM

After the confidential files of hundreds of Republicans were found in Democrat Bill Clinton’s White House safe, journalists decided quickly to chalk it up to the “general incompetence” of Clinton’s youthful staff, and instead blasted Republicans for making “ugly” charges in an election year.

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Record of Reviling Ronald Reagan

June 2nd, 2024 10:21 AM

In the 20 years since his death, journalists have praised Ronald Reagan as a way to disparage today's conservatives. But a look at the record shows the media routinely derided both Reagan and his policies.


FLASHBACK: When CNN Censored Obama’s 2008 Memorial Day Idiocy

May 26th, 2024 10:06 AM

How far would a liberal network go to protect their favorite candidate? Sixteen years ago, CNN deliberately censored a blunder by likely Democratic nominee Barack Obama, when in a Memorial Day speech before veterans, he stupidly said of America’s “fallen heroes” that “I see many of them in the audience here today.”


FLASHBACK: Leftist Media HATED Republicans Long Before Trump

May 19th, 2024 10:08 AM

It’s one of those rhetorical devices you often hear on the liberal networks: media condemnations of “today’s Republican Party,” suggesting that if only Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or Mitt Romney were in charge instead of Donald Trump, journalists would be brimming with respect for the Grand Old Party. But it’s all convenient revisionism; the same media aggressively trashed yesterday’s…


FLASHBACK: When ABC News Buried Top Anchor’s Ethical Scandal

May 12th, 2024 10:10 AM

Nine years ago this week, ABC News was roiled by a journalistic scandal: Their top political anchor had refused to disclose his big dollar contributions to the Clinton Foundation at the same time he used ABC’s airwaves in an attempt to discredit an anti-Clinton author, an obvious favor to the just-launched Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign.

FLASHBACK: Lib Reporters Championed ’06 Illegal Immigrant Protests

April 28th, 2024 10:02 AM

Eighteen years ago this week, the liberal networks donated their airwaves to the cause of protesters seeking to kill a bill which would have increased the federal government’s ability to enforce immigration laws, with fawning and emotionally-charged coverage of left-wing political marches — “people draping themselves in the American dream,” as one over-the-top morning host anchor enthused.

FLASHBACK: Media Seized on Elián Saga to Vilify Anti-Communists

April 21st, 2024 10:11 AM

24 years ago, gun-toting immigration officers snatched six-year-old Elian Gonzalez from his Miami home, in preparation to send him back to Cuba. Throughout the five-month saga, liberal journalists insisted there was nothing superior about living in the United States and slammed Florida's anti-communist Cuban community as a “banana republic.”


FLASHBACK: When a Juvenile News Media Tried to Destroy the Tea Party

April 14th, 2024 10:11 AM

Fifteen years ago this week, left-wing cable networks employed adolescent jokes to belittle the grass roots anti-Obama Tea Party movement, while the broadcast networks decried it as a front for “corporate interests.”

FLASHBACK: Celebrating Liberal Justice Jackson, the ‘American Dream’

April 7th, 2024 10:15 AM

Two years ago, the U.S. Senate voted to confirm federal Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Eighteen months earlier, liberal journalists fumed when a nearly mirror-image Senate vote elevated federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett, but Jackson’s confirmation was a time for “celebration” of a new Justice who “represents excellence” and the “American Dream.”