
WORST OF 2022: The Praising and Protecting Old Joe Award 

December 26th, 2022 12:20 PM

Today we present the WORST OF 2022: The Praising and Protecting Old Joe Award. 


WORST OF 2022: The GOP Will End Democracy Award 

December 25th, 2022 3:40 PM

Today we present the WORST OF 2022: The GOP Will End Democracy Award.


STUDY: Cable News POUNCES on Suspensions, Yawned at Twitter Files

December 16th, 2022 1:30 PM

CNN and MSNBC are pouncing on Twitter’s suspension of several liberal journalists, but those same cable news giants had about 15 times less interest in evidence of the same platform’s suspensions, blacklists and shadow banning aimed at conservatives when the so-called Twitter Files were released two weeks ago.


The Brian Stelter Memorial Award for Worst Quote of the Year

December 15th, 2022 9:45 AM

It was a challenging task, but an esteemed panel of NewsBusters editors led by MRC President L.Brent Bozell and MRC’s Vice President for Research and Publications Brent Baker, boiled down all the biased outbursts from lefty hack hosts, anchors, reporters and pundits in 2022 and declared a winner.


STUDY: Twitter Files Make Up Less Than 0.5% of Coverage on CNN, MSNBC

December 14th, 2022 11:02 AM

NewsBusters has found liberal cable news networks CNN and MSNBC have almost completely ignored the first five installments of the Twitter Files, which revealed Twitter employees engaged in rampant censorship of conservatives. Since the first set of documents were published on the evening of December 2, less half of one percent of the coverage on either network has even bothered to mention the…


STUDY: Trevor Noah's Daily Show Guests Were 86 Percent Democratic

December 9th, 2022 9:00 AM

During his seven-year tenure as host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, Trevor Noah brought a reliably liberal bias to the program, a NewsBusters study has found.


Journos Blame Conservatives for CO Shooting, Hail ‘Legendary’ Pelosi

December 3rd, 2022 11:05 AM

The past month has seen the leftist media blame conservatives including the late great Rush Limbaugh for the gay nighclub shooting in Colorado, claimed Herschel Walker supporters were “comfortable with cruelty” and that the U.S. was as bad on human rights as Qatar — thanks to Republican governors. On the other hand they bent over backwards praising outgoing Speaker of the…


Georgia Run-Off: Walker 88% Negative News, 71% POSITIVE for Warnock

December 1st, 2022 8:30 AM

With the decisive Georgia run-off just days away, a new study by the Media Research Center finds the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts have blasted GOP candidate Herschel Walker with 88 percent negative coverage, while Democratic incumbent Raphael Walker has enjoyed 71 percent positive press.


Nets Shield Biden from Thanksgiving Inflation, Advise Skimping on Food

November 23rd, 2022 12:43 PM

After aggressively cheerleading the Biden administration’s inflationary spending, the broadcast networks have spent nearly an hour over the last two weeks instructing viewers to host thrifty potluck Thanksgiving dinners featuring drink rations, expired ingredients, and frozen food.


12 Things That Took Less Time Than CBS Took to Find Hunter’s Laptop

November 21st, 2022 3:31 PM

Well, it took a couple of years, but CBS has finally — finally! — admitted Monday that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real. The New York Post published their exposé of the laptop on October 14, 2020. That’s 768 days ago (two years and change, 25 months, 109 weeks, or 69.8 Scaramuccis). A lot can happen in just over two years, so we decided to put together a list of 13 things that somehow…


Evening News Spends ONLY 11 Seconds on Warnock Child Support Scandal

November 17th, 2022 1:00 PM

The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) evening newscasts have almost completely buried Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock’s child support scandal, spending only 11 seconds on it since September 1. In stark contrast, the network evening newscasts (September 1 - November 16) flooded their airwaves (36 minutes, 21 seconds) with stories of women accusing his GOP opponent Herschel Walker of paying for…


STUDY: Broadcast Networks Bury FTX CEO’s Massive Donations to Dems

November 17th, 2022 9:52 AM

Sam Bankman-Fried, the embattled CEO of failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was a massive donor to the Democratic Party. But you wouldn’t know it from the reporting on the big three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC), who have so far almost completely hidden that salient detail from their audiences. All told, discussion of Bankman-Fried’s extravagant bankrolling of the Democratic Party…

STUDY: 47 Liberals, 0 Conservatives on Late Night During Fall Campaign

November 14th, 2022 1:30 PM

The late-night comedy scene has been reliably liberal for a long time, but the 2022 midterm election was a regular messaging machine for the Democrats, a NewsBusters study has revealed.

MRC analysts found that during the fall campaign, from Labor Day through the Monday night before Election Day, liberal guests outnumbered conservative guests 46 to 0.


One Last Gasp: ‘Democracy’ and the Lives of ‘Our Children’ At Stake

November 8th, 2022 4:44 PM

The following are just a few of the media’s most frantic takes in the closing weeks and days before Election Day.