The 2021 Debt War: Brace for Nasty Media Name-Calling

September 22nd, 2021 1:45 PM

There’s a new battle brewing over the federal debt ceiling. Ten years ago, after the Obama administration instigated massive federal spending to deal with the Great Recession, Republicans insisted on long-term deficit reduction, and the liberal media slammed them as nihilists, hostage-takers, terrorists, suicide bombers and zombie vampires.


53-to-1: Big Tech Censors GOP Members of Congress Tons More than Dems

September 21st, 2021 9:45 AM

Censorship has hit Republican Senators Rand Paul (KY) and Ron Johnson (WI), Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) and other Republicans in Congress. But besides censoring those Republicans already in Congress, Big Tech has also…


Didn't Take Long: ABC, CBS Lose Interest in Drone Strike on Kids

September 20th, 2021 12:50 PM

If a Biden blunder is too big to ignore completely, the liberal media will do the next best thing: move on as quickly as possible. On Friday afternoon, the Pentagon conceded a horrific addition to the President’s withdrawal from Afghanistan as an August 29th drone strike that was touted as killing ISIS terrorists actually killed ten civilians, including seven children. 


CBS, NBC Disregard Durham Indictment of Lawyer Tied to DNC, Clinton

September 16th, 2021 8:59 PM

On Thursday, Special Counsel John Durham convinced a grand jury to indict Michael Sussmann, a lawyer with deep ties to both the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. Sussmann was accused of providing the FBI with false information and lying to investigators about who he was working for. But despite this massive development, neither CBS nor NBC decided to give it airtime that…

Biden’s Border Crisis Rages On; TV News Airtime Down 94%

September 16th, 2021 9:30 AM

The crisis along the U.S. southern border is still terrible, and the liberal news media still don’t care. According to the latest statistics from U.S. Customs and Border Security, there were 208,887 encounters along the southern border. Yet broadcast evening news coverage in August was virtually nil: Just 6 minutes, 28 seconds during the entire month, including weekends.


20 Years After 9/11: Remembering the Left’s Unhinged Reaction

September 9th, 2021 9:20 AM

Twenty years after the devastating terror attacks of September 11, let’s not forget how left-wingers in the news media and Hollywood have reacted by blaming America, trashing the War on Terror, and pushing insane conspiracy theories that the United States itself had staged the attacks or was somehow protecting Osama bin Laden.


Freaking Out About Texas: Republicans Are the New American ‘Taliban’

September 8th, 2021 12:40 PM

The left is freaking about Texas’s SB8 fetal heartbeat law going as far to attack Republicans as the American version of the Taliban. The following are some of the worst anti-Texas law takes from the last week:


SICK: Media Slam Ron ‘DeathSantis’ But Tout ‘Masterful’ Andrew Cuomo

September 6th, 2021 8:45 AM

For an entire month, the ghouls in the media repeatedly labeled the GOP a “death cult” led by Republican governors like Ron “DeathSantis” of Florida and “Dr. Evil” Greg Abbot of Texas. But when it came to disgraced former New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, CBS correspondent Ed O’Keefe proclaimed “he did a masterful job of keeping the state safe” during the pandemic.



SYCOPHANTS! Journos Hail ‘Brave’ Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

September 2nd, 2021 9:35 AM

The following are some of the most shameless attempts by lib journos to turn one of the worst moments in American foreign policy history into a political win for Biden.


CBS Moves on from Afghan Debacle, ABC Forgets Americans Left Behind

September 1st, 2021 8:43 PM

Unbelievably, the CBS Evening News thought the day after President Biden’s arbitrary deadline to get Americans out of Afghanistan was the perfect time to drop the subject completely. There was absolutely no mention of Afghanistan on their Wednesday newscast but they found the time to dedicate over two minutes (2:05) to bashing and decrying Texas’s new pro-life law. And while they…


CRUEL SUMMER: Nets Spend Less Than an Hour on Dem City Crime Spike

September 1st, 2021 8:55 AM

The summer of 2021 has seen a spike in violent crimes, especially murder in Democratic cities across the country, a predictable result of progressives’ calls for defunding of the police. Yet the ABC, CBS, NBC evening news programs have barely covered this dangerous crime wave as they’ve devoted less than an hour of coverage (58 minutes, 1 second) in three months (June 1-August 31) to the…

PEW: Plurality of Americans Say Gov’t Shouldn’t Censor Speech Online

August 25th, 2021 1:05 PM

Even after years of liberal media and politicians calling for the censorship of online speech, a plurality of Americans still say the government should not intervene — even at the cost of some false information slipping through. A new…


STUDY: The ‘News’ on ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS

August 24th, 2021 7:35 AM

If you want traditional “hard news,” the best place to find it may still be one of the Big Three evening newscasts, where more than 70 percent of the typical broadcast fits the definition of old-fashioned reporting. And, compared to cable news, ABC, CBS and NBC present viewers with news about a much wider array of topics.


STUDY: Actual News Is Hard to Find on Today’s Cable ‘News’

August 24th, 2021 7:30 AM

Less than one-fourth (22.3%) of what is aired on cable news could be classified as old-fashioned hard news — just-the-facts reporting or live as-it-happens coverage of an unfolding event. Instead, nearly 80 percent of what’s on cable news these days consists of talk-show discussion and opinionated commentary by the anchors.