WORST OF 2020: Media Gush Over Their Liberal Heroes
As 2020 comes to a close, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of the year. In today’s installment, we present the most outrageous examples of journalists fawning over their liberal heroes and left-wing icons.
Where’s Hunter? Biden Scandal Still AWOL from Network News
Two months ago, the liberal media assisted Joe Biden’s presidential campaign by essentially ignoring the financial scandal surrounding Biden’s son, Hunter, and aggressively dismissing it as likely Russian propaganda. Now that an FBI investigation into Hunter Biden for potential money laundering and tax fraud has been confirmed, the media aren’t bothering to call it Russian propaganda anymore…
SOUR CELEBRITIES: ‘Maniac’ Trump Should Be ‘Charged with Murder’
You’d think the Hollywood Left would be giddy with their team of Biden-Harris about to be installed in the White House but they are still sour as ever, as they spent the past few weeks griping about Trump and his “cult” of Republicans wanting to “kill” Americans. The following are just a few of the worst examples of celebrities still sounding sour from the past few weeks:
DERANGED: Journos Want Trump and GOPers Arrested, Warmly Welcome Biden
This past month saw lefty journalists welcoming Joe Biden with bouquets and softball questions while demanding Donald Trump and his “flunkies” be dragged out of the White House and thrown in prison.
Trick Question: Guess How Many Journalists Voted for Trump This Year?
Every four years since 2000, the online opinion site Slate lets readers see how their staff has voted in the presidential election. This year, the survey found, not a single Slate staffer voted for President Trump, even though more than 74,200,000 other Americans did — a record haul for a Republican nominee.
Conservatives Use MRC Poll to Blast Media’s Election Censorship
With news Wednesday night confirming that President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, is indeed under federal investigation, conservatives quickly pointed out that this was a story the liberal media and Big Tech suppressed in the weeks leading up to the November 3 presidential election — and cited the Media Research Center’s exclusive research to demonstrate the impact of this censorship.
FLASHBACK: When the Media Cast Doubt on an Election Outcome
As soon as they declared Joe Biden the winner, the liberal media began to display their impatience with President Trump's legal challenges to the 2020 election result. But four years ago this week, CNN and others in the liberal media took anonymous reports that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s victory that year.
Cabinet Contrast: Biden’s ‘Superheroes’ vs. Trump’s ‘Ignoramuses’
The transition has only just begun, but already the liberal media are fawning over Joe Biden’s “historic” choices to staff his administration, as he selects “very experienced,” “very diverse” and “not political” “adults in the room” who actually “know what they are doing.” The contrast with the media’s reaction to President-elect Trump’s selections four years ago could not be more stark.
MRC Poll: The Most Clueless Biden Voters Relied on Social Media
Last week, NewsBusters reported on a new poll showing that, at the time they cast their ballot, many Biden voters were unaware of important news stories involving either their candidate or President Trump. A deeper dive into the data shows that the problem was especially acute among those Biden voters who said they typically depended on social media for their election news.
NYC-Based CBS Raged at Shutting Schools, Now Decry Opened Florida
On November 19, New York City-based CBS News joined the ranks of parents made irate by Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio abruptly shutting down the public school system with no notice. It’s understandable as many CBS employees were likely harmed by the chaos it caused to their daily lives. But after de Blasio reversed course over the weekend, CBS spent part of Monday’s Evening News…
SPECIAL REPORT: The Stealing of the Presidency, 2020
The left-wing news media didn’t just poison the information environment with their incessantly negative coverage of President Trump going into the 2020 election. They also refused to give airtime to important arguments of the Republican campaign — both pro-Trump and anti-Biden — which meant millions of voters cast their ballots knowing only what the media permitted them to know about the…
NBC Blames Trump Backers for COVID Deaths, Tells People to Be ‘Angry’
In a disgusting closing lecture Wednesday in which NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt thought was an intellectual pontification, he told people to get angry at how the U.S. had surpassed 250,000 coronavirus deaths. And as he was telling them that, images of Trump supporters marching through Washington, D.C. and other anti-lockdown protesters flashed on the screen in grim black and…
Media Hypocrites Preach Unity Now But Blasted Trump’s 2016 Win
You don’t have to watch very much TV news these days to get the basic plot: President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, it’s improper for him to challenge the result, and we all must unify around President-elect Joe Biden. That’s not exactly how many journalists reacted four years ago. Here’s a quick flashback to how the media that today tout unity and acceptance dealt with President-elect…
WHAT?! CNN and MSNBC Blame Trump for Violence at Million MAGA March
Donald Trump’s supporters turned out to peacefully show their support for the President on Sunday, but were viciously attacked by pro-Joe Biden counter-protestors from ANTIFA/BLM. So who did CNN and MSNBC blame for these attacks? Donald Trump, of course.