CNN Censors, MSNBC Barely Carries Trump Speech at Mount Rushmore
On Friday night, CNN completely ignored and MSNBC barely covered President Donald Trump’s 42-minute speech at Mount Rushmore that offered a full-throated defense of the four Presidents engraved in the South Dakota mountainside, who have come under attack by a liberal media hellbent on poisoning Americans into trashing those who came before us. CNN refused to carry a single second of the speech…
Violent CHOP Goes Down, After Media Called It a Fun ‘Street Festival!’
The following is a look at some of the more absurd attempts by lib reporters to portray the protest zones as peaceful fun-filled “street festivals.”
SCOTUS Study: Nets Spent 25 Min. Extolling Dem Wins, ZERO for GOP Wins
Over the last two weeks, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued six major rulings that touch on issues ranging from gay rights to religious freedom. And in the midst of those events, the decisions of some of the justices went ways that those invested in the outcomes didn’t expect. But one truth was constant throughout the over two-week period: the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) celebrated…
STUDY: TV News Has No Time for Biden Sex Assault Accuser
While liberal TV news outlets have fallen all over themselves in a rush to disapprove of anything involving Donald Trump, they’ve kept their airwaves largely free of any negative stories about his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden. In fact, it’s been more than a month since ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC or NBC have even mentioned the accusations of Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who alleges that he…
STUDY: TV Paused Its Pandemic Panic to Push Protests
From early March to late May, the coronavirus pandemic eclipsed all other news stories, consuming nearly all of the airtime on the Big Three (ABC, CBS and NBC) evening newscasts. But those same networks put the virus story on the back burner for two weeks while they diverted nearly all of their coverage to nationwide protests against police brutality.
VIDEO: Five Years Ago, Media Mocked Trump’s Announcement as a Joke
Five years ago today, when billionaire businessman Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign on June 16, 2015, the savants in the news media weren’t just skeptical — they were openly disdainful of the man who would go on to win the Republican nomination and the presidency.
TOP 20: Celebs Rage Against Trump In Wake of Protests and Pandemic
From singer Pink condemning Trump voters as unpatriotic, to film director Spike Lee declaring the President’s re-election would put the “world in peril,” the following is a countdown of the 20 most outrageous outbursts by lefty celebrities over the last month.
Nets Downplay, Provide Cover for Seattle’s Extremist ‘Autonomous Zone’
After three days of silence as radical leftists in Seattle seized land and declared themselves their own country, the liberal broadcast networks finally discovered the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or CHAZ. ABC’s Good Morning America was the only newscast to cover it Thursday morning. Butfor the evening shows, the networks were all gaslighting their viewers by suggesting the group…
Protest-Obsessed TV Networks Barely Mention Violence Against Police
ABC, CBS and NBC have churned out a massive amount of coverage for protests during the past two weeks (1,042 minutes on their morning and evening news programs), but these same networks have spent almost no airtime letting viewers know about the injuries and death inflicted on police officers during these two weeks of social unrest. In fact, as of June 9, not a single protest-related instance…
Nets Blast Trump With 9x More Negative Comments than Biden
From March 4 (after former Vice President Joe Biden essentially locked up the Democratic nomination on Super Tuesday) through May 31, Media Research Center analysts found the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts minimized or ignored controversies involving Biden, even as they pounded President Trump with the worst press of his presidency.
TOP 15: Trump Inflamed Tensions That Led to Tea Party-Like Looting
To hear the media spin it, the rioting and looting that took place around the country these past few weeks was a Boston Tea Party-like response to the years Donald Trump and the GOP’s fanning the “flames” of “racial hatred.” The following are the Top 15 worst outbursts by liberal hosts and reporters during their coverage of the George Floyd protests and subsequent riots:
Nets Ignore Lauded Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Study Getting Shot Down
Just as with their cable counterparts, the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to give airtime to the revelation that a lauded scientific study, purporting to show anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine was ineffective and deadly…
CNN Spent Over 90 Minutes Hyping Now-Retracted Coronavirus Study
When Jeffrey Zucker’s CNN settles on a narrative, they flood the zone with employees singing from the same sheet music seeing as how they have a President to hate. Such was the case on May 22 when CNN shows spent 90 minutes and 54 seconds heralding a now-debunked study that originally claimed taking hydroxychloroquine while battling COVID-19 could be fatal. Over on MSNBC, the total clocked out…
STUDY: 99.3 % of TV's Protest Coverage Ignores Mob's Murder Victims
Broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have been consistent cheerleaders for the nationwide protests against police brutality, offering nearly 12 hours of coverage (710 minutes) over the past seven days on just their flagship morning and evening news shows. But despite dedicating all of those hours of airtime to the protests and riots, these networks have barely breathed a word about those who…