Profile picture for user Noel Sheppard

Noel Sheppard

Associate Editor

Noel Sheppard, Associate Editor of NewsBusters, passed away in March of 2014. More here about Noel's contributions to NewsBusters and tributes to him upon his passing.

Latest Blogs

Howard Kurtz on MLK 50: ‘At Times It Seemed to Be a Production of MS

Noel Sheppard
August 29th, 2013 3:39 PM

Jay Leno Calls Matt LeBlanc a ‘F—king D—chebag

Noel Sheppard
August 29th, 2013 11:15 AM

Morgan Freeman Explains Twerking on HLN

Noel Sheppard
August 29th, 2013 10:06 AM

Chuck Todd on Obama’s MLK 50 Address: ‘I Thought it Was a Very Pos

Noel Sheppard
August 28th, 2013 4:13 PM

Sharpton Guest: Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly 'Incessantly Beat Up On

Noel Sheppard
August 28th, 2013 10:48 AM

Krauthammer on Attacking Syria: 'What's Russia Going to Do? Cancel Ano

Noel Sheppard
August 28th, 2013 10:08 AM

AP: 'Obama's Presidency Has Been Marred By Racist Backlash

Noel Sheppard
August 28th, 2013 10:02 AM

Chris Matthews: Laura Ingraham Wrong About Voter ID Laws Being Nondisc

Noel Sheppard
August 27th, 2013 9:18 PM

MSNBC Programs Lose Close to 50% of Viewers in One Year

Noel Sheppard
August 27th, 2013 8:25 PM

Krauthammer: Pointless to Attack Syria Unless Goal Is Regime Change

Noel Sheppard
August 27th, 2013 7:11 PM

Only 323,000 People Watched Obama's CNN Interview Friday, Came in Thir

Noel Sheppard
August 27th, 2013 10:39 AM

Tina Brown's Daily Beast to Lose $12 Million This Year

Noel Sheppard
August 27th, 2013 9:54 AM

Obama Rodeo Clown Says Mask Had Nothing To Do With Race, Will Media Re

Noel Sheppard
August 26th, 2013 12:23 PM

Mika Brzezinski Blasts Miley Cyrus's Raunchy VMA Performance: 'Deeply

Noel Sheppard
August 26th, 2013 10:43 AM

CNN Host: 'Media Profit By Playing Off Prejudice and Encouraging Peopl

Noel Sheppard
August 25th, 2013 4:32 PM

Raul Labrador Schools Meet the Press Panel on King's Dream: Your Messa

Noel Sheppard
August 25th, 2013 1:57 PM

Cokie Roberts: 'What's Going on About Voting Rights is Downright Evil

Noel Sheppard
August 25th, 2013 12:30 PM

33 Shocking Facts About Obama's Economy Media Shamefully Ignore

Noel Sheppard
August 25th, 2013 11:14 AM

MSNBC's Bernard: ‘Country Has Become More Race Conscious’ Since Ob

Noel Sheppard
August 24th, 2013 5:26 PM

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Names Pot Strain After CNN's Sanjay Gupta

Noel Sheppard
August 24th, 2013 3:09 PM