Profile picture for user Noel Sheppard

Noel Sheppard

Associate Editor

Noel Sheppard, Associate Editor of NewsBusters, passed away in March of 2014. More here about Noel's contributions to NewsBusters and tributes to him upon his passing.

Latest Blogs

Bill O'Reilly Exposes Al Sharpton for Lying 'Once Again' on National T

Noel Sheppard
August 16th, 2013 10:49 AM

Oprah: 'It's Ridiculous to Look at Zimmerman Case and Not Think Race W

Noel Sheppard
August 16th, 2013 10:07 AM

Bill Maher Is The Biggest Loser in Emmy Award History

Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2013 1:10 PM

Private Schools in LA Hiring Celebrity Photographers for Class Picture

Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2013 11:44 AM

A-Rod May Be Cut From Animated Children's Movie

Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2013 11:02 AM

Oprah Gives Audience Member a New Car on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2013 10:30 AM

Olbermann Invites George W. Bush on New ESPN Show

Noel Sheppard
August 14th, 2013 6:51 PM

Rush Limbaugh: Liberals Reacting to Obama Rodeo Clown Like Muslims to

Noel Sheppard
August 14th, 2013 5:07 PM

Donald Trump: ABC's Jonathan Karl 'Very Dishonest' About Birther Issue

Noel Sheppard
August 14th, 2013 11:28 AM

Attention Media: Dummy Wearing George H.W. Bush Mask Attacked By Bull

Noel Sheppard
August 13th, 2013 5:23 PM

Oracle’s Larry Ellison: Google Is ‘Absolutely Evil’ Taking ‘Ou

Noel Sheppard
August 13th, 2013 4:39 PM

Oracle's Larry Ellison: Apple Is Going Down Without Steve Jobs

Noel Sheppard
August 13th, 2013 4:05 PM

Daily Show: 'Matthews Doesn't Just Routinely Have Egg on His Face - He

Noel Sheppard
August 13th, 2013 11:39 AM

Swiss Saleswoman Says Oprah Lied About What Happened in Her Store, Wil

Noel Sheppard
August 13th, 2013 10:48 AM

Greta Van Susteren: Fox Should Sign Jay Leno To Compete With NBC

Noel Sheppard
August 13th, 2013 12:53 AM

ObamaCare Getting Killed on Twitter: Opponents Outnumber Supporters Se

Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2013 5:51 PM

Huffington Post: Bill Maher's 2008 Documentary Religulous 'Shockingly

Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2013 3:33 PM

Kardashian Mom Slams Obama for Hypocritical Comments About Kim and Kan

Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2013 1:28 PM

HBO Newsroom Deceptively Edits Zimmerman 911 Call as Part of Plot

Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2013 1:24 AM

Don Lemon Puts Russell Simmons and Other Race-Baiters in Their Place

Noel Sheppard
August 11th, 2013 10:28 PM