Profile picture for user Noel Sheppard

Noel Sheppard

Associate Editor

Noel Sheppard, Associate Editor of NewsBusters, passed away in March of 2014. More here about Noel's contributions to NewsBusters and tributes to him upon his passing.

Latest Blogs

Larry Elder: 'We Won't Have True Equality Until Goldie Taylor No Longe

Noel Sheppard
July 30th, 2013 3:32 PM

Writer of April NYT Weiner Puff Piece: ‘Never Even Occurred to Me to

Noel Sheppard
July 30th, 2013 10:31 AM

Spitzer: Weiner Should Not Be Mayor of New York

Noel Sheppard
July 29th, 2013 5:49 PM

Martin Bashir Thinks If a Poll Questions 21% Republicans, Only 21% of

Noel Sheppard
July 29th, 2013 5:31 PM

Alan Colmes: We’ll Have True Equality When Blacks Can Speak Against

Noel Sheppard
July 29th, 2013 3:28 PM

Man That Said Romneys 'Happy to Party With Black People Drowning’ to

Noel Sheppard
July 29th, 2013 11:09 AM

MSNBC's Goldie Taylor: CNN's Don Lemon a 'Turn Coat Mofo' for Agreeing

Noel Sheppard
July 28th, 2013 6:27 PM

Bob Schieffer: 'Huma Doing Hillary No Favors

Noel Sheppard
July 28th, 2013 4:13 PM

Will: If Weiner and Filner Were Republicans Media Would Tie Them to GO

Noel Sheppard
July 28th, 2013 2:18 PM

White Man Told 'This Is For Trayvon Martin' As Three Black Men Mug Him

Noel Sheppard
July 28th, 2013 1:51 PM

George Will Schools Katrina Vanden Heuvel and Steve Rattner on Detroit

Noel Sheppard
July 28th, 2013 1:12 PM

Peggy Noonan: Obama Got To Point Where People Stopped Listening To Him

Noel Sheppard
July 28th, 2013 12:06 PM

Fareed Zakaria: Why Must Israel Be a Jewish State

Noel Sheppard
July 28th, 2013 10:42 AM

Feinstein Calls For San Diego Mayor Filner To Resign

Noel Sheppard
July 28th, 2013 9:51 AM

CNN's Don Lemon: Bill O'Reilly 'Right About' Problems in Black Communi

Noel Sheppard
July 27th, 2013 7:20 PM

Chuck Todd: 'NBC News Has Nothing To Do With Clinton Miniseries

Noel Sheppard
July 27th, 2013 6:00 PM

McLaughlin Group Unanimously Predicts Weiner Will Drop Out of Race

Noel Sheppard
July 27th, 2013 5:07 PM

NBC Trying to Keep Leno Around After Fallon Replaces Him

Noel Sheppard
July 27th, 2013 4:08 PM

NBC Entertainment Chairman on Lousy Ratings: 'Flat Is the New Up

Noel Sheppard
July 27th, 2013 3:46 PM

NBC To Air Four-Hour Miniseries About Hillary Clinton

Noel Sheppard
July 27th, 2013 2:27 PM