Olbermann Touts Man Who Created 50 Green Jobs with Stimulus Funds

January 28th, 2010 10:54 AM

Keith Olbermann should keep a calculator on hand during his broadcasts. If he’d had one, the liberal MSNBC host of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” could have run the numbers on Jan. 27 following the State of the Union address.

Olbermann was recapping President Obama’s speech and told viewers: “Among those seated with the first lady in the gallery … a man from Arizona whose company received $99 million from the stimulus and used it to create at least 50 permanent clean energy jobs.”

What Olbermann didn’t say was that 50 jobs at the cost of $99 million is nearly $2 million each, something taxpayers might not view that as a successful and efficient use of their money.

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