New York Daily News' Mike Lupica: America Lousy and Insane with Guns

October 5th, 2017 8:15 PM

The New York Daily News' rabid progressive attack dog Mike Lupica's response to the Las Vegas massacre is totally predictable. Complain after the fact that we don't have gun laws to stop this madness, demonize the gun lobby and demand that Americans should be defenseless when confronted by criminals. He thinks the National Rifle Association is intimidating Congress into inaction and you must be a musket-carrying neanderthal if you invoke the Second Amendment.

"In the aftermath of the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, we once again witness the phony rhetoric of death, so much of it from politicians who never do anything to make gun laws more sane in a country lousy and insane with guns," Lupica writes. While debating gun rights, he asks when we can have that debate:

But if you play out this kind of cockeyed thinking, from all those in Congress who genuflect in front of the National Rifle Association, from politicians and members of their pep squads who have pimped out the honorable and original intent of a Second Amendment originally written for muskets, there would never be a good day to have a gun debate in America. When would we find the time? We’ve averaged a mass shooting — one in which at least four people are shot — a day since Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn. and murdered 20 children and six adults on Dec. 14, 2012.

We can’t wait for the gunfire to stop, because it doesn’t. Maybe we could have the conversation while the next active shooter is reloading.

America is a "killing field," Lupica alleges, because members of Congress are hiding under their desks. He's most critical about the mental health of conservative congressmen and Second Amendment advocates, though even Hillary Clinton has mentioned the "violently unstable" and mass shootings in the same breath:

We keep hearing that there is no law passed that can legislate against the madness of what Paddock did on Sunday night. But the real madness is thinking that this country's laws and policies about guns are working. ... Clearly when the subject is guns, the scrambled egg brains here are our own.

Lupica also thinks it's cowardly not to enact gun control laws and he accused President Trump of low concern about Las Vegas because the heinous crime was not committed by radical Muslims or illegal aliens:

It is a shameful crime of neglect, and cowardice. President Trump was praised for his somber tone when he spoke to the country on Monday about the mass shooting in Las Vegas. But what would his tone have been if it had been someone from radical Islam who had murdered all those innocent people? How loud would the reaction have been if it had been someone who had crossed the southern border illegally and then started shooting with some kind of modified automatic weapon from the Mandalay Bay?

Lupica's lefty logic is obviously flawed. If we had better protected our porous borders over the last several years we would not have experienced 911 or a lot of other mass killings by evil people gaining entry into the nation to commit foul crimes.