A new iPad children's book featuring gender-shifting parents,"Pop It," is the latest attempt by activists to "educate" children about homosexuality and transgender behaviors.
Artist Raghava KK, featured by CNN.com in 2010 as one of the "top ten people you've never heard of," created an iPad program for toddlers, "Pop It," to teach tolerance and "open-mindedness." The program, innocently enough, shows a child interacting with two parents.
However, shaking the iPad transforms the parents from male homosexuals to heterosexuals to lesbians.
The artist's intentions are clear. In an interview with Mashable, Raghava KK argued: "The relationship between parent and child does not change if they have two moms, two dads. I'm challenging the concept of family."
In a video promoting his book, artist Raghava KK reiterated his purpose: 'There is no such thing as the ideal family. I want children to learn there are many types of families.'
This indoctrination of children is one of the latest of a series of attempts to push homosexuality and transgender issues to children. California passed a 'gay history' bill on July 14, requiring public schools to teach students about gay figures in history. Another California school brought transgender clownfish into school to teach children that gender bending is okay during a two day "Gender Spectrum Diversity Training" session.
The media encourages this homosexual and gender-shifting behavior. A video featured on CBSnews.com approvingly highlighted a video of a boy "understanding" same-sex marriage in less than a minute. Pieces favorably profiling transgender prom queens and a 'Princess Boy' also appeared on the networks within the past year.
The message that gender and sexual orientation don't matter is being broadcast to children at full volume. As Raghava KK stated in his promotional video: "Children's books are full of propaganda."
He and the media just want to make sure it's liberal propaganda.