It only took race-obsessed MSNBC host Chris Matthews about two and a half minutes tonight to get to his first thinly-veiled attack on the GOP as a racist party.
Matthews made the attack in the midst of an observation about the skin tone of many of the participants in the Hillary Clinton presidential announcement video. A video update is forthcoming. Here's the relevant transcript:
April 13, 2015
7:02:29 p.m. Eastern; 39 seconds
CHRIS MATTHEWS, host: You can sure tell from that ad, everybody watching the show right now, that it's a Democratic candidate running for president. I don't have to be specific but every picture you saw said Democrat.
I'm joined right now by Robert Gibbs, former press secretary for President Obama and Eugene Robinson, a columnist for the Washington Post. Both are MSNBC political analysts.
What I meant by that, Robert and Gene, if you go to a Democratic convention and look out into the crowd, it's a different-looking crowd than a Republican convention. It just is. And that ad, I thought, Robert, said that I am one of you.