Andrea Mitchell Frets Over GOPers Arguing Against Letting Students Write Laws

March 7th, 2018 6:43 PM

On Wednesday afternoon, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell showed concern for the liberal student activists who are currently pushing for more gun control in a way that she did not show concern when those same students were demonizing their political opponents as "murderers" or "terrorist."

Near the end of her Andrea Mitchell Reports show, setting up a softball interview with Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham, the MSNBC host played a clip of a Republican state legislator in Florida flippantly arguing against allowing inexperienced students to dictate which laws should be passed.



Mitchell fretted that the speech was "astounding" to see:

Gwen, in watching that debate -- that's just one clip from the debate -- I don't recall any of the students that we've been interviewing, seeing at vigils, seeing at news conferences or marching, asking that they not do homework or graduate at the age of 12. The effort in that clip just now to diminish the intelligence, the pain, and the passion of these kids is really astounding to me.

The show's Democratic guest then had an unchallenged forum to complain about NRA influence and about Republicans speaking "callously" about the liberal student activists:

I know, Andrea. As a mom, I am heartbroken by this, but, as a Floridian, I am incensed. And, listening to that representative yesterday speak about the students in this so callously was an example of the control that the gun lobby has over the state legislature here in Tallahassee.

In her two followup questions, Mitchell merely asked her guest "where things stand" with the gun legislation in the Florida legislature, and what the Democratic candidate has seen happening in Congress that she agrees with.