The Commodores will provide musical entertainment and the Web site for the affair lists actress Jenna Elfman and astronaut Buzz Aldrin as among the "celebrity hosts." As for whether Obama will make the trek out to the Virginia suburbs for the January 19 gala, Waters hoped: "Like all of Washington and Northern Virginia, we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will celebrate along with the 1.95 million Virginians who turned this once red state blue."
The ball's home page shouts: "A Celebration of a Dream Fulfilled!"
The January 10 item:
9's Hayward & Foster To MC Obama Ball - 1/10 - DCRTV hears that Channel 9/WUSA news anchors JC Hayward and Lesli Foster will be emceeing Virginia's Inaugural Black Tie And Blue Dominion Ball at the National Air And Space Museum's Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles Airport. The event will feature many of Virginia's Democratic politicos, including Governor Tim Kaine, former Governor Doug Wilder, and Representative Jim Moran, plus soul band the Commodores. No official word if Barack Obama will appear, says former Channel 7/WJLA news anchor Del Walters, who is executive producing the affair. "Like all of Washington and Northern Virginia, we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will celebrate along with the 1.95 million Virginians who turned this once red state blue," Walters adds. Channel 9 will be running promos for the ball. Tickets range from $150 to $1,000. More at