Hypes 'Little Girl' Offering to Campaign for Hillary

October 20th, 2015 4:35 PM

Leave it to to dutifully act as Hillary Clinton campaign stenographers. That's precisely what weriter Nicole Brown did Tuesday afternoon with her story "Hillary Clinton receives letter from 'little feminist.'"

"Little girl offers to help Clinton campaign," editors teased on the website's main page. "Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton received a letter of support from a 12-year-old, who is ready to work on her campaign," read the caption (see the screencap below).

While it's absolutely possible that a precocious 12-year-old might be a political geek who would, independent of parental coaching, contact a presidential campaign, journalists are supposed to take these sort of stories with a healthy dose of skepticism. Brown, however, does no such thing.


Here's her post in full (emphases mine): 

A 12-year-old girl, who calls herself a “little feminist,” has volunteered her services to Hillary Clinton’s campaign — after school, of course.

In a letter to the Democratic front-runner, Olivia said her school is in Brooklyn, New York, so she would be “completely willing” to help out.

“I bet I would be the youngest member of your campaign,” she wrote.

RELATED: The ‘weirdest’ thing about Hillary Clinton

Olivia told Clinton that she has two dads and a twin brother, and that she goes to a school for students with learning disabilities because she has dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

“The school is fairly expensive and I wish that there were more public schools that can help kids with Dyslexia like me,” Olivia wrote.

Olivia said she hopes Clinton will become the first woman president. She is even ready to follow in Clinton’s footsteps.

“I am a little feminist growing up to help all women with equal rights,” Olivia wrote.  

Clinton posted the letter with part of her response to Olivia on her campaign website.

“Thank you for writing to me; it put a smile on my face,” Clinton wrote in response. “Please know that I join your dads in cheering you on for great success. Keep up the great work, always care deeply about what you believe in, and never stop reaching for the stars!”