In a display of just how badly President Obama performed in Wednesday's presidential debate, Friday's NBC Today played a clip of Daily Show host Jon Stewart ripping into Obama: "There is no red America. There is no blue America. There is only the America that can't believe how bad this guy did in the debate. Romney won with the sound up....Romney won with the sound off." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]
Stewart mockingly implored the President: "...think of your supporters. Look what your performance did last night to one of them." A sound bite followed of the meltdown of MSNBC's Chris Matthews: "What was he doing tonight? He went in there disarmed? Where was Obama tonight?!" Stewart declared: "Mr. President, you broke Chris Matthews!" The Today show hosts all laughed as weatherman Al Roker quipped: "And he's still broken."
Fill-in co-host and Meet the Press moderator David Gregory even took a shot at Obama for looking down at the podium so often in the debate: "You know, it was funny, when he's – when he's writing, I thought, was he writing in his diary?" Roker remarked: "He was playing Words with Friends. He got a triple – triple letter score." That brought new roars of laughter, with Gregory joking: "He couldn't let that go."
Here is a transcript of the October 5 segment:
7:19AM ET
DAVID GREGORY: Switching gears back to the debate. The late night hosts are having a little bit of fun with Wednesday night's presidential debate. Jon Stewart aiming most of his fire at, oh, yeah, President Obama.JON STEWART: There is no red America. There is no blue America. There is only the America that can't believe how bad this guy did in the debate. Romney won with the sound up.
MITT ROMNEY: You're entitled, as a president, to your own airplane and to your own house, but not your own facts.
STEWART: Romney won with the sound off. Dude. He's yelling at you. Look up! Look up! What are you looking at? What are you writing that's so important? You know, Mr. President, everyone has parts of their jobs that they don't like as much, but they still have to do those things if they want to keep those jobs. And if you don't want to do it for yourself, think of your supporters. Look what your performance did last night to one of them.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: I don't know what he was doing out there. I don't know how he let Romney get away with the crap he threw out. What was he doing tonight? He went in there disarmed? Where was Obama tonight?!
STEWART: You happy? Mr. President, you broke Chris Matthews!
[LAUGHTER]AL ROKER: And he's still broken.
GREGORY: You know, it was funny, when he's – when he's writing, I thought, was he writing in his diary? I mean, writing-
ROKER: He was playing Words with Friends.
ROKER : He got a triple – triple letter score.
GREGORY: He couldn't let that go, he couldn't let that go.
SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Oh, my goodness.