Bill Maher Calls Sarah Palin A Horse's Ass

October 9th, 2010 1:41 AM

Bill Maher on Friday called former Alaska governor Sarah Palin a horse's ass.

In the opening monologue of his "Real Time" program on HBO, Maher brought up the recent brouhaha surrounding Alaska Republican senatorial candidate Joe Miller's refusal to express his support for Palin as a potential presidential candidate in 2012.

"So then Todd Palin, all pissed off, wrote him a bunch of emails full of like grammatical errors, spelling errors," joked Maher. 

The comedian continued, "You mess with Todd Palin, you could wake up with a horse's ass in your bed, like he does every day" (video follows with transcript and commentary): 

BILL MAHER: And Todd Palin, have you heard this story? Okay. In Alaska, Joe Miller, he's the tea bagger nut who's running for senate there. They got into a big brouhaha because apparently Sarah Palin put this guy on the map, and then this guy, Joe Miller, was asked if Sarah Palin could be president, and kind of, - "I don't know."


So then Todd Palin, all pissed off, wrote him a bunch of emails full of like grammatical errors, spelling errors. Don't f--k with Todd Palin. He will make you an offer he can't pronounce.


I'm serious. You mess with Todd Palin, you could wake up with a horse's ass in your bed, like he does every day.

Can you imagine a Democrat woman being joked about this way? The National Organization for Women would be demanding an apology or a resignation within minutes.

Sadly, what we've seen in recent years is there are absolutely no boundaries involving sexism or misogyny when the butt of a joke is a conservative woman.

These days, comedians like Maher clearly flaunt this double standard with total impunity.

Must be nice to be able to offend and demean women on national television knowing full well women's rights groups won't care due to the politics of the woman in question.