For roughly sixty minutes Friday, Obama campaign contributor Bill Maher behaved like, well, a man that has given $1 million to reelect the current White House resident.
In his final 'New Rule' segment, the HBO Real Time host said, "If Republicans can make it harder for minorities to vote with their tricky ID laws, then we get to make it harder for Tea Baggers to vote by bringing back the literacy test" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
BILL MAHER: If Republicans can make it harder for minorities to vote with their tricky ID laws, then we get to make it harder for Tea Baggers to vote by bringing back the literacy test. You can ask me for a picture ID, and I'll ask you to count to twenty without taking off your shoes. And you can't vote unless you can answer these simple questions: One, what did we call the World War that came before World War II? Two, seven tenths of the earth is covered by a, water, b, Mountain Dew, c, your ass. And three, name a book that’s not about vampires or spanking.
As NewsBusters has previously noted, HBO is now MSNBC.
From the disgrace that is Newsroom to Game of Thrones and Real Time, there really isn't much to differentiate this network from NBC's cable affiliate.