Morgan Freeman Narrates Ad Promoting Same-Sex Marriage

November 25th, 2012 4:24 PM

Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman is the narrator of a new ad promoting same-sex marriage.

It was created by the Human Rights Campaign and began airing in various parts of the country Sunday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MORGAN FREEMAN: America stands at the dawn of a new day. Freedom, justice, and human dignity have always guided our journey toward a more perfect union. Now, across our country, we are standing together for the right of gay and lesbian Americans to marry the person they love. And with historic victories for marriage, we've delivered a mandate for full equality. The wind is at our back, but our journey has just begun.

HRC president Chad Griffin issued the following statement coincident with the ad's release:

“This year proved to be a pivotal turning point in the movement for marriage equality, and now we press onward with renewed vigor and public opinion squarely on our side. As we continue the march toward full equality in legislatures and the courts, it is crystal clear that the prospect of an equal future is no longer up for debate; the question now is how soon it will arrive. While we celebrate today, we will keep fighting until full equality has reached every single person in every corner of this vast country.”

The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday that the Supreme Court will decide this week whether it will hear an appeal concerning California's Proposition 8, the 2008 initiative declaring marriage being between a man and a woman.

The Court's announcement is expected on December 3.

With this in mind, there will likely be a tremendous amount of attention paid to this issue this week with the media predictably on one side.

Stay tuned.