"No chance anyone’s looking for a nekkid picture of Mitch McConnell.”
As amazing as it might seem, such was actually said by MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Hardball Monday (video follows with transcript and commentary):
In a discussion about Ashley Judd’s possible candidacy for the U.S. Senate, the Huffington Post’s Howard Fineman poured a little cold water on the merriment saying that even Democrats aren’t happy about this.
“The Obama people don’t want her either,” Fineman said. “The Obama people who did a very good job of winning Virginia – don’t forget, they won Virginia twice, President Obama did – they simply think that Ashley Judd has too many downsides.”
“She’s had mental problems that she’s been very frank about,” Fineman continued. “She got divorced.”
Fineman then gingerly stepped around the fact that there are “nekkid” pictures of her out there from her movies.
Matthews brushed this aside saying, “Yeah, let’s watch the Republicans bash another woman. This’ll be great.”
Isn’t it fascinating how Matthews is always in favor of Democrats trashing white men – he and his MSNBC colleagues do it all the time! – but going after Democrat women is verboten?
In fact, he demonstrated his hypocrisy perfectly a few moments later when as the segment came to a conclusion, he said, “Okay, by the way, asymmetric warfare here guys: no chance anyone’s looking for a nekkid picture of Mitch McConnell.”
This was met with laughter by all.
Thanks for proving my point, Chris.