NY Daily News: Brian Williams' Ego Ruined Local TV Show

March 12th, 2015 10:01 AM

We already know that suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams was plugging his daughter's Peter Pan special to his listeners. However, what you may not know is that, according to the New York Daily News, Williams was also actively working against a local New York  news shows because he did not want it so close to his network broadcast.

If this report is accurate it gives us some insight into the massive ego of Brian Williams. It also demonstrates that the protective walls are now bursting on him since his fellow broadcasters are now less reluctant to give us some insight into the character of the suspended anchor.

While Brian Williams was busy angling for Jay Leno’s job at NBC, the “NBC Nightly News” anchor was also meddling with local programming in New York on the network, one well-placed source tells Confidenti@l.

Williams’ nosing around the afternoon entertainment show “New York Live” resulted in him tearing apart the broadcast to top network execs, complaining that the show was light on “real news” and heavy on fashion and lifestyle.

“He had nothing to do with the show, yet he disapproved of the content,” our source sniffs. “It was too much fashion and gossip airing from 5 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, because he didn’t want light news airing so close to his important nightly broadcast.”

We’re told Williams was the driving force behind moving “New York Live” to an earlier time slot, convincing Michael Jack, president and general manager of NBC New York, to have the show air during the afternoon instead.

Yeah, Williams didn't want a mere entertainment show leading into his reports about the Peter Pan special.

“New York Live” is still airing as a 30-minute show daily at 12:30 p.m., a time slot Williams requested. With the time change, many staffers were laid off.

“(Hosts) Jacque Reid and Sara Gore were casualties of Brian’s ego,” says our source.

And another casualty of Brian's ego appears to be Brian Williams.

Exit Question: If NBC allows Brian Williams to return after his six month suspension, will it be as an entertainment reporter for "New York Live?"