2008 Presidential
The AP Thinks Palin Teen's Romance Woes is News
April 4th, 2009 2:37 AM
Is it some sort of amazing, newsworthy revelation that teen romance is sometimes a rocky road? Is it news that family can be troublesome when it results in out-of-wedlock birth? The Associated Press seems to think it is, at least if one of those teens is Governor Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol.
Do you care that punk Levi Johnston is bawling to the press that Governor Palin is supposedly a…
Barack Obama's Unprecedented Accomplishment a Virtually Guaranteed Med
April 3rd, 2009 1:39 PM
Barack Obama has done something no other president has done in the five months after his election.He and his pals Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid laid the groundwork for this achievement back in June when they created what I have since last July been calling the POR (Pelosi-Obama-Reid) Economy, so it is fair to say that Obama's accomplishment, spanning November 2008 through March 2009, belongs to him…
NYT: VP Joe Biden Escapes Snark, But 'Prince of Darkness' Cheney Didn
April 1st, 2009 2:59 PM
New York Times political personality reporter Mark Leibovich, whose mission is delivering profiles with attitude, mostly laid off the jabs in his Sunday front-page profile of what would seem to be an easy target -- the garrulous, gaffe-prone Vice President Joe Biden -- in "Speaking Freely, Sometimes, Biden Finds Influential Role."
Biden's history of colorful statements should have made him a…
AP Confuses Criticism of Obama With 'Racial Slurs
March 31st, 2009 3:53 AM
Proving that the left cannot tell the difference between "racism" and "criticism," the AP posted a lengthy March 30 story confusing and conflating the two as it pertains to attacks on President Obama. As far as the AP is concerned it seems the whole country is running around with burning crosses and wearing pointy hoods aiming to cast racial epithets at Obama at every turn. It may as well still…
NYTimes Killed Story on Crooked Obama Donor
March 31st, 2009 1:07 AM
According to election fraud lawyer Heather Heidelbaugh, The New York Times decided suddenly to drop all efforts last October to publish stories about the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) because it came to light that ACORN was a big donor to then presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign. The Times is said to have told ACORN insider Anita Moncrief that they were…
'Hardball' Host Matthews Refers to Sarah Palin as a 'Mail-Order Bride
March 30th, 2009 9:35 PM
If you watch MSNBC's "Hardball," you really have to scratch your head and wonder what host Chris Matthews is thinking when he opens his mouth sometimes. On the March 30 broadcast of "Hardball," Matthews, MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan and Newsweek's Howard Fineman were discussing what they perceived to be a rift between former GOP vice-presidential candidate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her…
CBS’s Smith Gives Glowing Review of Book By Soldier/Obama Volunteer
March 27th, 2009 5:45 PM
On Friday’s CBS Early Show co-host Harry Smith interviewed Afghanistan war veteran and Obama campaign volunteer Craig Mullaney, author of "The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier’s Education," and praised the book: "What a wonderful story, the arc, blue-collar kid decides to go to West Point, even ends up in Oxford before he ends up in Afghanistan. Ranger school...And look at you, receiving your…
Post-Obamamania, Big 3 Nets’ Evening News Viewership Decline Resumes
March 25th, 2009 3:33 PM
All that cheerleading for Obama-Biden, and all they got was a continuation of their lousy long-term ratings drop. Perhaps one reason why Big 3 network coverage of the 2008 presidential election was so heavy on fawning favoritism towards Barack Obama and Joe Biden combined with all-out attacks on John McCain and Sarah Palin was that the belief that an Obama presidency might revive interest in…
MSNBC's David Shuster Mocks 'Fantasy' That Media Was Too Easy on Obama
March 25th, 2009 3:32 PM
"Countdown With Keith Olbermann" guest host David Shuster slipped an incredible claim into Monday's program when he highlighted "independent reports" showing that presidential candidate Barack Obama received harsher media scrutiny than did John McCain during the 2008 election.As a way of introducing a discussion on why the President didn't attend the 2009 Gridiron dinner (a longstanding occasion…
Ohio Blogger's Food Stamp Post Leads to Exposure of State's New Middle
March 20th, 2009 1:25 PM
An important story appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer on Tuesday. Here's how it began (Warren County is adjacent to and northeast of Cincinnati's Hamilton County): County: no more food stamps for rich Warren County’s poor (population) does not include someone with $80,000 in the bank, a paid-off $311,000 home and a Mercedes, members of the Warren County Board of Commissioners said Tuesday. And…
NYT Again Says Conservatives Are Doomed, This Time in...Utah
March 16th, 2009 5:06 PM
Uncovering secret moderation among Western conservative yokels in the age of Obama is becoming a specialty of the New York Times's Western-based reporter Kirk Johnson. On Inauguration Day, Johnson wrote in condescending fashion about the "orderly phalanx marching behind Mr. McCain" in Oklahoma, which had the bad taste to give McCain his largest margin of victory in any state. This Saturday, he…
New York Mag: Obamas 'Want Each Other' Unlike Other First Couples
March 16th, 2009 6:32 AM
Did you know that no presidential couple ever "wanted each other" until the coming of The One and his Michelle? Well Stacy Schiff of New York Magazine knows, blurting out like a star-struck 13-year-old at a Jonas Brothers concert the question, “How long has it been since a First Couple seemed to want each other?” What about George W. and Laura's love? Must have all been a head fake. H.W. Bush and…
Late Night Weekend Video Treat: Liberal Media Bias Ballad
March 15th, 2009 1:49 AM
Alexandra Pelosi's HBO documentary, Right America: Feeling Wronged -- Some Voices from the Campaign Trail, certainly caricatured McCain-Palin voters as a bunch of redneck racists, but it also showed how conservatives see the media as the enemy, and featured a short clip of a fun Hank Williams Jr. song take-off against the “left wing liberal media.” In the 45-minute production, which will re-run…