Elizabeth Warren: Some Of My Best Friends Are Small Businesses

July 23rd, 2012 8:47 PM
In an unintentionally hilarious variation on the some-of-my-best-friends-are line employed by people defending themselves against accusations of prejudice, Elizabeth Warren—lefty Dem candidate for Senate from Massachusetts—has claimed that various people close to her have started small businesses. Warren let loose her laugh line on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this evening, responding to an ad…

WaPo's Tumulty Calls Clinton's 1993 Tax Increase a 'Deficit Reduction

July 23rd, 2012 12:13 AM
If the idea of tax increases is so darned popular, why do journalists "creatively" avoid using the term? Here's an example from a lengthy Saturday report on Democrat Bob Kerrey's U.S. Senate comeback effort in Nebraska by Karen Tumulty at the Washington Post, wherein she describes the 1993 Clinton tax hikes as a "deficit-reduction plan" (bolds are mine):

Why Did AP Do a 1,500-Word Expected Poverty Rate Writeup Months Before

July 22nd, 2012 10:31 AM
In September 2010, the Associated Press prepared an advance report on the expected surge in the Census Bureau's official poverty rate, which rose from 13.2% to a 15-year high of 14.3%. Their stated preoccupation was not with the associated pain, but with "the unfortunate timing for Obama and his party just seven weeks before important elections when Congress is at stake." Well, this year's…

AP's Peoples Tells Readers What Obama 'Intended' in 'You Didn't Build

July 19th, 2012 1:46 AM
On July 13, President Barack Obama told a campaign audience in Roanoke that "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." As Geoffrey Dickens at NewsBusters pointed out on Wednesday, it wasn't until July 17 that any of the Big Three broadcast TV news networks recognized the existence of the remark -- and two of them failed to run the actual quote. Part…

AP Report Claims GOP Governors Have 'Awkward Task' Explaining Their Su

July 15th, 2012 11:17 PM
Democrats are at it again, claiming that Republicans, particularly House Republicans, are sabotaging the economy, while ignoring the quite effective job President Barack Obama has done to ruin the economy both on his own (regulatory and anti-fossil fuel hostility, wasteful green "investments," etc.) and with the help of Congressional Democrats when they controlled both Houses of Congress (…

Grover Norquist Schools Bob Woodward and Hilary Rosen on Which Party's

July 15th, 2012 3:09 PM
Anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist had himself quite a day on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday dispelling liberal media myths. In the course of about five minutes, Norquist gave a much-needed education to CNN political contributor Hilary Rosen and the Washington Post's Bob Woodward on which political party in Washington is obstructionist (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NewsBusters Interview: Sen. McConnell Strikes Back at the New York Tim

July 11th, 2012 7:15 PM
The New York Times on Sunday published an editorial highly critical of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) position on the Disclose Act. McConnell spoke with NewsBusters Wednesday about why he thinks the Times and other liberal media outlets are in favor of this controversial anti-free speech bill.

Bias by Boring Headline? WashPost Gives Snoozer of a Headline to Story

July 10th, 2012 11:51 AM
She's a seven-term Democrat representing Las Vegas in the U.S. House of Representatives and she's running in a U.S. Senate race which "observers believe could be a pickup for Democrats." But yesterday, Rep. Shelley Berkley (Nev.) received "a blow to her candidacy" when "[t]he House Ethics Committee... voted unanimously to launch a formal investigation into allegations" that the congresswoman "…

Media Fail: Government Motors Inflates Sales by Selling to...the Gover

July 10th, 2012 10:44 AM
The Jurassic Press was in full-throated ObamaChorus mode in reporting on General Motors (GM)’s allegedly strong June sales. Very few failed to receive the sheet music.

HBO's 'Newsroom' Becomes MSNBC: Trashes Tea Party, Compares Bachmann t

July 9th, 2012 10:19 AM
People turning on HBO Sunday evening must have thought they'd accidentally switched channels to MSNBC. In the third episode of Aaron Sorkin's new drama The Newsroom, those involved in the fictitious cable news network ACN all basically became MSNBC employees mercilessly attacking the Tea Party whilst comparing Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) to the late Joe McCarthy (video follows…

CNN Batters Joe Walsh, But Dem Opponent Gets Much Softer Treatment

July 6th, 2012 7:09 PM
Is CNN campaigning for Rep. Joe Walsh's Democratic opponent? In a heated exchange with Walsh on Thursday, anchor Ashleigh Banfield rattled off a list of opponent Tammy Duckworth's accomplishments and admitted "she should get elected" if voters are pleased with her resume. CNN gave much softer treatment to Duckworth on Friday. Host Wolf Blitzer did press her about controversial statements she…

NPR Celebrates Obama-In-Ohio Day By Ripping GOP Senate Candidate For

July 5th, 2012 11:34 PM
As Obama prepared to tour northern Ohio cities by bus on Thursday, NPR's Morning Edition was trying to take apart the Republican challenger to liberal Senator Sherrod Brown. First, correspondent David Welna dismissed 34-year-old GOP state treasurer Josh Mandel as someone "who could easily be mistaken for a teenager." Then he added that "independent" (read: liberal media elite) fact-checkers…

NBC Profiles Mia Love's 'Historic' Run for Congress in Utah

July 4th, 2012 12:39 PM
Wednesday's Today show on NBC ran a four and a half minute piece profiling Saratoga Springs, Utah, Mayor, and congressional candidate Mia Love, who has a very good chance of being the first black female Republican elected to Congress. MSNBC's Daily Rundown show on Tuesday ran a similar report on the Utah Republican. On the July 4 Today, guest co-anchor Willie Geist introduced the report:

Columbus Dispatch Reporter from 1,000-Attendee Convention: Tea Party I

June 30th, 2012 9:59 PM
In a report currently time-stamped early Saturday morning, Emily Wilkins at the Columbus Dispatch claimed in her opening sentence covering Ohio's second We The People Convention in Columbus ("Fears fuel kinship at tea party convention") that "Tea party members are alone and scared — and to them, that’s a good thing." Well, I was there this weekend in Columbus. I didn't see "alone" or "scared…