Fareed Zakaria Blames Tea Party for 'Extraordinary Polarization in Was

July 24th, 2011 4:23 PM
Fareed Zakaria on Sunday blamed the Tea Party for the "extraordinary polarization in Washington today." "It's ideologically extreme, refuses to compromise, and cares more about purity than problem solving," Zakaria told viewers of the CNN program bearing his name (video follows with transcript and commentary):

ABC’s Karl Admits Dems Oppose Medicare Reform So They Can Run Agains

July 12th, 2011 7:14 AM
  On Sunday’s World News on ABC, correspondent Jonathan Karl suggested that Democrats in the House, rather than take a political position based on principle, refuse to vote for a budget plan that would reform Medicare because they wish to use Medicare to run against Republicans and take back the House. As Karl recounted that he had recently spoken with House Democratic leaders, it is unclear…

Open Thread: Tea Party Democrats

July 7th, 2011 11:09 AM
While the Tea Party movement has largely been viewed as a resurgence in conservative values away from big government Republican politicians, its fiscal policies are attracting a new crowd: fiscally conservative Democrats. With remarks from both Rep. Michele Bachmann and Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele that the Tea Party embraces a number of disaffected Democrats, but…

Krauthammer Challenges Shields: Where Is Democrat Budget? What's Their

July 3rd, 2011 5:06 PM
As he normally does on "Inside Washington," PBS's Mark Shields Friday was waxing moronic about Republican plans to balance the budget. Not pleased by the fictional account on display, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer challenged his fellow panelist saying, "Democrats have not even produced a budget for 2012. What’s their budget?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Is CNN Trying to Rehabilitate Weiner's Career

June 16th, 2011 7:37 PM
From listening to CNN's pre- and post-Weiner press conference commentary, one could be forgiven for thinking they were already attempting to jumpstart the congressman's political career. Already one former politician caught in a sex scandal is using his prime-time position at CNN to rehabilitate his image. "Sad" and "tragic" were words used by CNN's political team to describe Weiner's…

Pelosi's Net Worth Grew 62 Percent Last Year, Media Mostly Mum

June 16th, 2011 10:51 AM

You would think that in a tough economy with 9.1 percent of the population unemployed and most people seeing continued decreases in the value of their homes the revelation of a political leader experiencing a massive rise in her net worth would be newsworthy. Apparently not, for the following report about former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) stunning one year financial windfall…

Politico Erroneously Tags Retiring Rep. Dan Boren as 'Conservative Dem

June 9th, 2011 11:22 AM
Whether it's deliberate obfuscation or just plain laziness is up for debate, but the media have a penchant for misleading news consumers with the meme that Blue Dog Democrats are politically "conservative." While the Blue Dog caucus is decidedly more moderate than Democrats as a whole -- you could individual members are "conservative for a Democrat" -- they rarely if ever qualify as…

David Frum Suggests Republicans Looking Like 'Medicare-Annihilating Ra

June 6th, 2011 7:00 PM
In his newest CNN.com op-ed titled "Don't Doom GOP's Chance to Win in 2012," David Frum clearly outlines the Republican Party's best chance for victory – if they don't come off as "Medicare-annihilating racist maniacs." He then goes about making the case that Republicans are doing just that. "It is Tea Party conservatism itself that is Obama's last, best hope for a second term," Frum boldly…

Barbara Walters: If Palin Can Be Considered for President, Weiner Can

June 6th, 2011 6:56 PM
Barbara Walters said Monday that if Sarah Palin can be considered as a possible presidential candidate, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) can stay in Congress despite the current sex scandal he's involved in. Significantly more shocking, "The View" co-host Joy Behar actually came to Palin's defense (video follows with transcript and commentary):

AP's Alonso-Zaldivar Inadvertently Proves Political Nature of Obamacar

June 6th, 2011 3:33 PM
In late January (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted how the Associated Press and the New York Times had been studiously avoiding covering the Obamacare waivers granted by Kathleen Sebelius's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Though I can't verify that the AP has ignored the issue since, it doesn't seem to have been a prominently covered item until today, when wire service…

AP’s Romney ‘Fact Check,’ Part 2: GOP Candidate Mostly Prevails

June 5th, 2011 11:49 PM
In one of five items they alleged were false statements made by Mitt Romney in his presidential candidacy announcement speech, Associated Press "fact-checkers" Calvin Woodward and Jim Kuhnhenn claimed that the economy has not gotten worse since Barack Obama became president. Part 1 (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) clearly showed that the facts are on Romney's side. The current score is Romney 1,…

NPR's Totenberg: 'We Shouldn't Care About Weinergate - It's a Great La

June 4th, 2011 9:20 AM
One of the really enjoyable aspects of this week's scandal involving Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) has been watching the perilously liberal and devoted media shills tell America how unimportant the whole thing is. A fine example was Nina Totenberg who said on Friday's "Inside Washington" that we really shouldn't care about this because " it's a great lark of a diversion" (video follows…