WashPost Editorial Misleads Readers About Florida Voter Roll Cleanup E

August 24th, 2012 6:09 PM
The Washington Post editorial board today set out to slam Florida's Republican governor for "threaten[ing] the integrity of elections" with his voter "purge" effort and for enforcing the state's new curtailed early-voting hours. But in their editorial on the matter, the Post misled readers with deceptive language about how the state undertook its voter roll cleanup effort (emphasis mine):

Coulter Column: Missouri Is the 'Show Me Another GOP Candidate' State

August 23rd, 2012 2:39 PM
Relying on Todd Akin's sense of decency has not worked. Within hours of his idiotic comments about "legitimate rape," Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS pulled out millions of dollars in funding for the Missouri Senate race. Akin didn't get the hint. Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, withdrew all funding from the Missouri race. Akin still refused to quit.

Leno: Republicans Should 'Bring in Comcast' to 'Get Rid of Congressman

August 23rd, 2012 8:56 AM
NBC Tonight Show host Jay Leno had a suggestion Wednesday for how the Republicans can get Missouri Congressman Todd Akin out of the Senate race for comments he recently made concerning rape. "Bring in Comcast - they'll get him out of there” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC's Todd Blames 'Tea Party Effect' and GOP 'Infighting' for Akin Con

August 22nd, 2012 5:40 PM
On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams brought on political director Chuck Todd to give a "damage assessment" for Republicans in the wake of the Todd Akin controversy. Todd attempted to blame the conservative grassroots for the uproar: "...the Tea Party effect....will maybe cost Mitch McConnell a shot at controlling the United States Senate. Their own infighting has done this." […

Daily Kos Looking For Donations to 'Overcome Pennsylvania's Voter ID L

August 22nd, 2012 4:31 PM
An e-mail from Daily Kos Campaign Manager, Chris Bowers announces 'big news' regarding voter ID laws in Pennsylvania.  Bowers explains: A huge coalition of 100+ labor and civil rights groups has come together to do the door knocking, phone banking and voter education necessary to make sure everyone in this must-win swing state can still cast a ballot. At Daily Kos, we're helping out by…

NYTimes Lead Editorial Stretches 'Far Right' Smear to Include Conserva

August 22nd, 2012 9:18 AM
The New York Times used a controversial comment by Republican U.S. Senate candidate for Missouri Todd Akin to broadly smear Republican candidates in Tuesday's lead editorial, "New Definitions of Extremism – Representative Akin and other primary winners shift ever rightward with the Republican Party." But the Times is seriously stretching the definition of "extremism" to call include…

Networks Devote an Enormous 21 Minutes to Obsessing Over Akin, Hyping

August 21st, 2012 4:02 PM
The network morning shows on Tuesday devoted an enormous 20 minutes and 53 seconds to obsessing over a gaffe by a Republican congressman, hyping Todd Akin's comments for nine separate segments. NBC, CBS and ABC touted Democratic efforts to link the gaffe-prone representative to the GOP presidential ticket. Former Democratic operative turned Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos…

NBC Panel: If Akin Stays in Senate Race, Romney/Ryan Will Be 'Tarred

August 21st, 2012 2:59 PM
During the Today's Professionals panel segment on Tuesday's NBC Today, attorney Star Jones predicted that if Todd Akin continues his Senate run in Missouri, the entire Republican Party will be branded with his controversial remarks: "If he doesn't [get out], the Romney/Ryan ticket is going to be tarred with this feather for the entire campaign. They sponsored bills together that pretty much…

NBC Declares: 'Women's Issues Are Front and Center Again' and GOP is

August 21st, 2012 1:03 PM
At the top of Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed: "Firestorm. A Congressman's words about rape rocket across the country...women's issues are front and center again." Introducing the lead story moments later, Williams announced how "suddenly" Republican Todd Akin's comments "exploded well beyond the borders of Missouri." Correspondent Andrea Mitchell began her report…

Piers Morgan Spins Todd Akin Controversy Into 'Romney's Worst Nightmar

August 21st, 2012 12:24 PM
CNN's Piers Morgan played right into the hand of the Obama campaign's co-chair on Monday night, casting the fallout from Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) rape remarks as "Romney's worst nightmare." "Yeah, I think you've hit the nail on the head," Morgan told Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) after she delivered her liberal spin tying Akin to Paul Ryan and the GOP. "Now it [the debate] has become Romney's…

NBC's Todd: After Creating 'Economic Havoc,' House GOP 'Partied and Go

August 20th, 2012 4:31 PM
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd used reports of a Republican congressman skinny dipping during a 2011 trip to Israel to slam the GOP: "...a bunch of freshman House Republicans who came to Washington trying to stop things...create this confrontation with the President over the debt ceiling...created all sorts of economic havoc…

NBC Hypes GOP in 'Hot Water' With 'High-Profile Distractions

August 20th, 2012 1:14 PM
At the top of Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie seized on controversies involving Republican members of Congress and proclaimed: "Hot water....Two distractions for the GOP with the convention now just one week away." Introducing coverage of the incidents, fill-in cost Lester Holt similarly declared: "...some high-profile distractions for the Republican Party. Two congressmen under…

CBS and NBC Hype GOP 'Firestorm,' Connect Congressional Gaffes to Romn

August 20th, 2012 12:56 PM
All three morning shows on Monday highlighted gaffes involving two Republican congressmen, touting the "firestorm" that followed a GOP senatorial candidate who discussed "legitimate rape." Both NBC and CBS attempted to link that incident (and one of a congressman swimming naked in the Sea of Galilee) to the Republican presidential ticket. On CBS This Morning, Nancy Cordes trumpeted "comments…

Politico's Priorities: Story About Event With 'No Formal Allegations o

August 19th, 2012 10:53 PM
To get an idea of the Politico's priorities, first do a search on "Corzine." You'll find nothing from last week other than a reference to him as the defeated former Governor of New Jersey in an item about current Governor Chris Christie speaking at the upcoming Republican National Convention. So apparently no one cared to take notice of a New York Times story about how Corzine and apparently…