When Will Media Critique DNC Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz's Tenuous Re

September 5th, 2012 12:28 PM
While MSNBC is on an all-out effort to tar GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan as a liar for having leveled completely accurate statements in his nomination speech at last week's convention, you can expect the Democrat-friendly network, along with most other media outlets, to overlook Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's history of a tenuous relationship with…

Politico Executive Editor: 'The Mainstream Media Tends To Be Quite Smi

September 5th, 2012 8:25 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, the press's gushing and fawning over Michelle Obama's speech Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte has been almost sick-making. So over the top was the praise that Politico's co-founder and executive editor Jim VandeHei said on C-SPAN early Wednesday morning, "The mainstream media tends to be quite smitten with the Obamas" (video follows…

Piers Morgan Backs Obama Spin, He 'Inherited the Mother of All Hospita

September 5th, 2012 6:02 AM
Instead of Americans asking if their country is better off now than four years ago, CNN's Piers Morgan thinks they should compare the present situation to "three and a half years ago" since President Obama's first half-year was "hell on earth." He aired his liberal points early Wednesday morning at the Democratic National Convention.  "This whole mixed picture we've been getting about is…

MSNBC Showcases 'Former Republican' Maria Ciano; Network Ignored Artur

September 5th, 2012 1:43 AM
Last week, MSNBC steadfastly refused to dip into a speech by newly-minted Republican and former Rep. Artur Davis (Ala.), who just four years ago was not only a Democrat but an Obama campaign co-chair. But on Tuesday night, MSNBC showed in full the speech of Maria Ciano, whom anchor Rachel Maddow tagged a "former Republican talking about her conversion to Democratic politics, particularly on…

CNN Hypes 'Candidate of Hope' Obama Who's a 'Leader Driven to Make His

September 5th, 2012 1:21 AM
CNN's Monday night special "Obama Revealed" included some glowing coverage of the "candidate of hope" Barack Obama and a thumbs-up to his controversial auto bailout that cost taxpayers $14 billion. Correspondent Jessica Yellin began the special by touting the "candidate of hope" that "inherits a nation in crisis." She added that Obama is a "leader driven to make history" and "cool under…

Lilly Ledbetter Ignores Senate Democrats Who 'Shortchanged' Their Fema

September 5th, 2012 1:11 AM
On Tuesday night, Democrats showcased Lilly Ledbetter as she attacked the Republican Party in general and GOP presidential nominee as out-of-touch with women and not committed to closing the so-called gender wage gap. It seems the partisan Ledbetter ignored or is blissfully unaware that female Democratic senators are egregious offenders when it comes to equal pay for their office staff. Will…

CNN Goes Ga-Ga for Obama: Michelle's Speech 'Probably a Grand Slam

September 5th, 2012 12:33 AM
CNN fawned over Michelle Obama's DNC speech on Tuesday, lauding it as "not hitting a home run but probably a grand slam," as Wolf Blitzer first put it. "She did an amazing job for this President of the United States," gushed Blitzer. Anderson Cooper tweeted that "I've never heard such a well delivered speech by a First Lady ever." Piers Morgan argued that "Michelle Obama, I thought, knocked…

Chuck Todd: 'Michelle Obama Owned This Convention In a Way No Speaker

September 5th, 2012 12:16 AM
“Michelle Obama owned this convention, the delegates – I’ve been on the floor right now, back to back, two weeks in a row – in a way that no speaker owned the floor of the convention in Tampa.” So said Chuck Todd, NBC's chief White House correspondent, on MSNBC minutes after the first lady finished her speech at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday (video follows with transcribed…

MSNBC's Matthews Calls Castro Address One Of the Greatest He's 'Ever H

September 5th, 2012 12:13 AM
For MSNBC's Chris Matthews, every speech from a person of color who is a member of the Democratic Party is historic – or the best speech he's ever heard. After the Keynote address, on Tuesday night, by San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, Matthews claimed that it was one of the greatest speeches he's ever heard. It's becoming a nasty habit. On Monday night, at the conclusion of Matthews's Barack…

One Day Into the Dem Convention, and We're Already Up to Two (Reported

September 4th, 2012 11:55 PM
Yesterday, it was John Burton, the chairman of the California Democratic Party, who "compared Republican tactics during the presidential campaign to the 'big lie' strategy most famously employed by Nazi propagandists." According to the Associated Press, Burton, "'humbly apologized' to anyone offended by his comparison" (that's not an apology, as he didn't admit to doing anything wrong, but it's…

Lawrence O'Donnell: Michelle Obama Is 'The Best Speechmaker in the His

September 4th, 2012 11:32 PM
It was a metaphysical certitude the folks on MSNBC were going to gush and fawn over Michelle Obama after her speech to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte Tuesday, but Lawrence O'Donnell really took the cake. “There is now no question who the best speechmaker in the history of the first ladyship is, and that is Michelle Obama” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

As Dems Convene, Food Stamp Rolls Hit Record Level -- And It's a Story

September 4th, 2012 9:49 PM
Completing a two-month full reversal of a tiny decline which began earlier in the year, the USDA reported on Friday that participation in the Food Stamp program, which the government wants everyone to call SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), reached an all-time record high in June. The program's had 46.67 million participants that month, eclipsing the previous record of 46.51…

CNN to Fluke: Does Limbaugh Calling You a ‘Slut’ Reflect ‘Romney

September 4th, 2012 9:28 PM
CNN’s Brianna Keilar cued up Sandra Fluke, Obama’s poster girl for “free” contraception and forcing religious institutions to violate their beliefs, to tar Mitt Romney and all Republicans with a derogatory comment made by Rush Limbaugh: “I’m wondering, do you think that Rush Limbaugh – now he called you, and these are his words, ‘a slut.’ Do you think that his views represent Mitt Romney and…

NBC's Mitchell Trumpets 'Political Superstar' Michelle Obama; 'All Abo

September 4th, 2012 8:48 PM
Andrea Mitchell gushed over Michelle Obama on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, labeling her a "political superstar" and "her husband's best campaigner, hardly needing to practice with the Teleprompters or get a feel for the stage." Mitchell went out of her way to point out how Mrs. Obama apparently is "all about hugs, connecting to people with a physical embrace." [audio available here; video below…