
CNNEE Did *Not* Monkey Up Its DeSantis Coverage

August 31st, 2018 11:12 PM
Whereas, as we recently noted, Univision embarrassed itself with its horrendously biased coverage of the “monkey it up” flap that kicked off the election of Florida’s next governor, CNN En Español showed how it’s done. Unlike its English-language namesake, CNN’s Spanish-language network is still in the business of hard news.

Dyson Accuses DeSantis of 'Playing to His Racist Base'

August 31st, 2018 7:56 PM
During Thursday’s edition of The Beat With Ari Melber, guest host Ayman Mohyeldin interviewed Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson. The beginning of the interview focused on Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, who has faced a media firestorm for saying that “we don’t need to monkey this up” by embracing socialism; referring to Florida’s economy and his opponent’…

GMA Hypes ‘Firestorm,’ ‘Cries of Racism’ Against DeSantis

August 30th, 2018 2:41 PM
On Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America ran wild with Democratic claims of racism against Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis , hyping a “fierce backlash” and “firestorm” over the GOP congressman using a common expression during an interview on Wednesday while discussing the left-wing policies of his African-American opponent.

Ryan: DeSantis 'Man-Splaining' Away Racist 'Dog Whistle' From Trump

August 30th, 2018 2:30 PM
CNN analyst and White House correspondent for American Urban Radio April Ryan added to the media pile on of Republican nominee for governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, after he made an insensitive remark discussing his Democrat opponent’s liberal policies. The media seized on the gaffe Thursday morning, claiming it was a clear racist “dog whistle” that can be attributed to President Trump. Ryan…

Univisión "monea" con su cobertura de DeSantis

August 30th, 2018 1:57 PM
La división de noticias de Univisión tomó la controversia que abrumó la contienda por la gobernación de la Florida, a falta de un mejor término con que describirlo, para hacer monerías.

MSNBC Pundit: ‘Absolutely Racist’ DeSantis Must Quit Florida Campaign

August 30th, 2018 10:36 AM

At the top of the 11:00 a.m. ET hour on Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi gave his left-wing guests free rein accuse Florida Republican gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis of being “blatantly racist” due to a poor choice of words he used in a Fox News interview. One of the pundits, left-wing SiriusXM host Mark Thompson, a regular on the cable channel, even demanded that the GOP congressman…


Univision ‘Monkeys Up’ Its DeSantis Coverage

August 29th, 2018 10:58 PM
Univision’s news division took the controversy that has engulfed the Florida gubernatorial race and predictably...for lack of a better term...they monkeyed it up.

CNN Excited About 'Dynamic' Gillum: 'The South Shall Rise Again'

August 29th, 2018 6:32 PM
It looks like the media has found their new messiah in Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for Governor of Florida.  Gillum, the Bernie Sanders-backed Mayor of Tallahasse. Gillum pulled an upset by beating out establishment favorite Gwen Graham in Tuesday’s Democratic primary. Should he manage to win the general election, Gillum would become the first African-American Governor in the Sunshine…

All Three Networks Skip Florida Democrat's Call to Abolish ICE

August 29th, 2018 1:57 PM
All three networks on Wednesday touted the surprise win of Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. The liberal Democrat, endorsed by Bernie Sanders, advocates for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. But ABC, CBS and NBC skipped this radical position. The Orlando Sentinel on July 5, 2018 explained what the networks missed: 

MSNBC Softballs to Florida Dem Skip Left-Wing Views, Corruption

August 29th, 2018 12:29 PM
On Wednesday, left-wing Florida gubernatorial nominee and Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum was treated to a softball interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that completely skipped any mention of his radical calls to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement or impeach President Trump. The Democrat also avoided having to answer a single question about the corruption scandal plaguing his city government…

CBS News Ends Silence on Cuomo’s Smear America Was ‘Never That Great’

August 17th, 2018 7:34 PM
Now that Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tried to backtrack Friday on remarks from Wednesday that America “was never that great,” the CBS Evening News broke the silence by the network’s news operation with a 26-second news brief. The move followed CBS’s The Late Show from Thursday when even liberal host Stephen Colbert and former Obama staffers-turned-Pod Save America hosts blasted…

Even Colbert and Obama Staffers Mock Cuomo’s Anti-American Gaffe

August 17th, 2018 12:44 PM
While the journalists at CBS News have still refused to cover New York Governor Andrew Cuomo telling a crowd of supporters on Wednesday that America “was never that great,” Late Show host Stephen Colbert pressed a trio of former Obama White House staffers about gaffe on Thursday night’s program, aired early Friday morning.

Time Skimps on Lib Positions of ‘Pragmatist’ Georgia Dem

July 27th, 2018 9:16 AM
So you say you’re weary of all that press coverage for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York Democrat who defeated heavily favored incumbent Representative Joe Crowley in the party’s primary last month and is still trying to explain what a “Democratic socialist” does? If so, Time magazine has got the candidate just for you! And if she’s victorious on Election Day, she will become a hard-left…

Behar Begs, Obama Must Condemn Trump! 'This Is an Emergency!'

July 25th, 2018 1:51 PM
The View continued its pathetic pandering to Democrat politicians and officials today, after having Cynthia Nixon and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the show in the past few weeks for softball interviews. Former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett appeared on Wednesday’s show for another friendly conversation, where host Joy Behar lamented that Trump was going to destroy the world and it was imperative…