
Morning Joe Taunts Trump: 'Lost Big-Time, Weak, Humiliated'

November 8th, 2018 7:58 AM
As seen in the mashup, Morning Joe taunts  PresidentTrump with a barrage of insults, casting the election results as a huge loss for the President, and depicting him as "freaked-out, weak, battered, confused."

CBS, NBC Celebrate Win for Democrat Accused of Anti-Semitism

November 7th, 2018 9:48 PM

In the midst of their midterm results coverage on Wednesday, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News touted the diversity of the Democratic Party’s field of winners. But in the process, they celebrated the election of Congresswoman-elect Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. The problem? She’s been accused of anti-Semitism because of her anti-Israel stance.


NBC Already Pushing Dem Losers as 2020 Contenders

November 7th, 2018 1:39 PM
Only hours after the midterm elections, on Wednesday morning, NBC’s Today show was already looking to the 2020 presidential campaign, eager to discuss which Democrats were “getting serious about taking on President Trump.” In addition to some of the usual names, the report also touted Democrats who went down to defeat on Tuesday as “future stars” of the party.

After Midterms, Visions of Impeachment Dance In Celebrities’ Heads

November 7th, 2018 11:49 AM
Inspired by a modest political victory in flipping the house, lefty showbiz mouthpieces have immediately pivoted to salivating over their next campaign — that is getting their sworn adversary President Donald Trump out of office.  

ABC Still Stumping for Beto After He Loses to Cruz: ‘Hope for 2020!’

November 7th, 2018 9:38 AM
The morning after the midterms, the media was busy celebrating Democrats winning the majority in the House of Representatives. Despite this win, many of the media-hyped Democrats running for office lost their races last night, much to the chagrin of the news media who blamed everything from racism to voter fraud. But over on Good Morning America, ABC tried to spin Ted Cruz’s win over media…

CBS Contributor Questions Legitimacy of Abrams, Gillum Losses

November 7th, 2018 3:39 AM
Two years after he compared President Trump’s victory to the defeat of Civil War Reconstruction, CBS News contributor and Slate columnist Jamelle Bouie was back on the eyeball network to offer takes on the 2018 midterms, most notably insinuating that the victories of Republicans in states like Florida and Georgia weren’t exactly legit because of — wait for it — “voter suppression.”

Georgia Hysteria: CNN’s Ryan Claims Voting Rights Don’t Exist Anymore

November 7th, 2018 3:21 AM
Despite the fact that Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp held a lead outside the threshold needed for a runoff, Democrats and the liberal media were not conceding the state’s gubernatorial election. During CNN’s Election Night in America in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, CNN political analyst April Ryan was in hysterics as she pushed conspiracies of voter suppression, even going so far as…

Here's Seven Times When King Showed a Liberal Tilt on Election Night

November 7th, 2018 2:47 AM
When it came to the major broadcast networks and their midterm election coverage, CBS didn’t pan out to have quite the bias the ABC and NBC offered, but there was still one journalist who came through in the clutch with plenty of liberal bias and that was, of course, CBS This Morning co-host and Obama donor Gayle King.

Bear Witness to Van Jones’ Election Night Emotional Roller Coaster

November 7th, 2018 12:47 AM
Election Night 2018 was a mixed bag that left both parties walking away feeling happy. Republicans blunted the so-called “blue wave” and captured key governorships while Democrats flipped control of the House. During CNN’s Election Night in America, Tuesday, liberal activist and commentator Van Jones was a whirlwind of emotions as each development unfurled.

ABC’s Pitts, Vega Blame Racism in FL, GA for Abrams, Gillum Losses

November 7th, 2018 12:32 AM
When it became clear that Democratic and liberal media darlings Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum were likely to lose their respective races in Georgia and Florida, senior White House correspondent Cecilia Vega and Nightline co-host Byron Pitts sought to blame racism for people not electing them.

MELTDOWN: NBC Upset There's No ‘Blue Tsunami,’ Knocks Pelosi, Schumer

November 6th, 2018 10:33 PM
Despite the eventual projections that Democrats would retake the House of Representatives on Tuesday night, NBC News was still uneasy, admitting that “Donald Trump and his followers are still intact” and “there is not a blue tsunami” that could be because of the unpopularity of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

‘Heartbreaking’: CNN Reluctantly Admits There Was No ‘Blue Wave’

November 6th, 2018 10:08 PM
With vote totals flooding in early in the night, it was painfully obvious to the liberal media that the so-called “blue wave” they’ve been hyping for a year crashed against red breakers. It was early in the nine o’clock hour when CNN anchor Jake Tapper admitted “what's going on here tonight, this is not a blue wave. This is not a wave that is knocking out all sorts of Republican incumbents.”

Nets Go Nasty Against GOP Early, Invoking Bomber, Shooting

November 6th, 2018 9:05 PM
Within moments of the broadcast networks coming on the air Tuesday night with their midterm coverage, ABC, CBS, and NBC had the long knives out for Republicans, condemning their “nativist,” “white-hot rhetoric” creating “one of the most divisive midterms in our lifetime” that was marred by “hate, violence and tragedy.”

ABC, NBC Boast Dems ‘Projecting Confidence’ as Polls Close

November 6th, 2018 8:53 PM
As the first polls began the close, liberal broadcast networks ABC and NBC were touting how confident the Democrats appeared despite lingering worries from 2016. As they were nearing the end of their political coverage for World News Tonight, ABC anchor David Muir noted: “the Democrats are projecting confidence as well, as you might expect.”