
MSNBC’s Favorite Kind of Republican for GOP Convention? Ex-Republicans

August 25th, 2020 12:35 AM

Who are the best type of Republicans to give the GOP perspective on MSNBC’s coverage of night one of the party’s convention? Ex-Republicans who are doing their best to elect Democrats. In order to understand the out of touch, delusional perspective MSNBC holds, it’s helpful to see a list of who the network turned to for coverage as soon as the last speaker was done. 


CNN Interrupts GOP Convention 6 Times on First Night, 2 for Dems

August 25th, 2020 12:33 AM

Night one of the Democratic National Convention saw only two interruptions from CNN, both of which were commercial breaks. But come Monday, night one of the Republican National Convention, CNN suddenly had a lot more to say; disrupting that convention a total of six times. Two of them were for commercial breaks and the rest featured their Zuckerville collective whining about the speakers; not…


Venom: MSNBC Opens with Disdain for RNC, Fearing Trumps Are ‘Monarchy’

August 24th, 2020 10:16 PM

Making clear that they would be spewing endless venom toward the people House Speaker Nancy Pelsoi deemed “enemies of the state,” MSNBC opened its Monday coverage of the RNC with disdain, fear, and somberness. Worst of all, co-host Joy Reid feared that the RNC was a sign the Trumps believe they are America’s true monarchy and the President will follow in the footsteps of Russian President…


HYPOCRITES: MSNBC Loved DNC, Breaks Into ‘Dangerous’ GOP Convention

August 24th, 2020 10:08 PM

MSNBC journalists, which sat by like good propaganda hacks during the Democratic National Convention, have suddenly been stirred to protect truth. Last week, the partisan hacks at MSNBC offered no fact checking of the Democrats, but on Monday, the cable network repeatedly warned of GOP lies. 


Knives Out: Nets Already Taking Stabs at RNC Speakers and Trump Fans

August 24th, 2020 8:53 PM

It was day one of the Republican National Convention with the main events yet to kick-off, and the liberal broadcast networks were itching to tear into their opposition. ABC, CBS, and NBC had their knives out during their Monday evening newscasts and were taking stabs and swings at everything for the Trump supports outside to their “controversial” speaker list.


Nasty NBC Revels in Conway Leaving White House Amid ‘Family Drama’

August 24th, 2020 5:19 PM

When it comes to Democrats, the leftist media insist that families are off limits in the political debate. While that’s certainly a laudable rule, it’s remarkable how quickly hypocritical reporters dump that principle when they see an opportunity to trash a Republican. On Monday, NBC’s Today show provided the latest example of this pathetic double standard.


Sleazy ABC Trashes ‘Disgraced’ RNC Speaker Nick Sandmann

August 24th, 2020 2:37 PM

Minutes before the kickoff of the Republican National Convention, ABC revealed they were taking notes from CNN and MSNBC on how to continue smearing Covington Catholic’s Nick Sandmann and the St. Louis McCloskeys, who are slated to speak this week. On ABC Live, White House correspondent Rachel Scott and political contributor Yvette Simpson sneered these speakers, who were victimized by the…

Tony Dokoupil and Mark Meadows

CBS Dem Dokoupil Gets History Lesson From Chief of Staff Meadows

August 24th, 2020 1:12 PM

While attempting to hammer the Trump campaign on behalf of the Democratic Party on Monday, CBS This Morning co-host Tony Dokoupil was treated to a history lesson from White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that completely blunted the anchor’s attack. At issue was left-wing hysteria over President Trump planning to accept the GOP nomination from the south lawn of the White House.…


Christie Embarrasses Stephanopoulos With Facts on Far Left Biden

August 24th, 2020 12:20 PM

Just before the Republican National Convention kicked off Monday morning, ABC journalists were ready with their list of grievances. However, anchor George Stephanopoulos stepped in it when he went too far defending Democrat nominee Joe Biden and former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie was ready with facts to combat the ABC journalist’s narrative.

Fairness: CNN/MSNBC Must Show 90% of GOP Convention Unfiltered

August 24th, 2020 8:10 AM

CNN and MSNBC let their audiences see roughly 90 percent of the Democratic video show that stood in for this year’s national convention without any meaningful interruptions. ABC, CBS and NBC showed their viewers about 30 percent of the convention as produced by the party. If those organizations are still in the news business, that’s exactly how much of the Republican Convention you’ll see on…


Stelter Demands Lots of Break-Ins of GOP Convention 'Stream of Lying'

August 24th, 2020 7:27 AM

On Sunday's Reliable Sources, CNN host Brian Stelter played his usual role as enforcer of liberal bias, insisting the networks must create an imbalance in how they cover conventions. CNN was right to allow two hours a night of Democrat advertising, he said, but the Republicans must be interrupted incessantly because it will be a "stream of lying." 


CNN's Louis: Sandmann Speech Will 'Stoke Fires of Grievance'

August 23rd, 2020 6:53 PM

On New Day Sunday, CNN political commentator Errol Louis was dismissive of the inclusion of Nick Sandmann at the Republican National Convention, suggested that the media smearing of the Kentucky teen wasn't so bad, and portrayed his speech as part of an effort by Republicans to "stoke the fires of grievance."


CBS’s Brennan Proves to Be Dem Party Pugilist: GOP Fine With Death

August 23rd, 2020 1:00 PM

After omitting Susan B. Anthony from her Sunday Morning segment on the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, CBS host Margaret Brennan was in a fighting mood later on Face the Nation. Between smearing Republicans as being totally fine with 170,000 COVID deaths and assailing disgraced former FBI Director James Comey on behalf of the Democratic Party, Brennan was…

Tony Dokoupil and Mike Pence

CBS Does Biden’s Dirty Work: Isn’t ‘America in Darkness' Under Trump?

August 21st, 2020 3:37 PM

If you thought Kamala Harris would be the only Democrat debating Vice President Mike Pence this election season, you would be wrong. Serving as a partisan stand-in for Joe Biden’s running mate, on Friday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Tony Dokoupil demanded Pence agree with the Democratic nominee’s nasty assertion that President Trump has “cloaked America in darkness.”