
Suffering Psaki: Press Secretary Ducks Questions on Russia, SCOTUS

April 16th, 2021 12:23 AM

Thursday’s White House press briefing quickly devolved into a predictable pattern of near emptiness in terms of answers from Press Secretary Jen Psaki, ducked questions on issues such as the debunked Russian bounties story, the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine, and her party’s attempt to pack the Supreme Court.


CNN Reporter: Biden Withdrawal Leaves Afghanistan 'In the Lurch'

April 15th, 2021 5:28 PM

On New Day, CNN international correspondent Nick Paton Walsh, commenting on President Biden's decision to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan, says "I think [Afghanistan] has been left in the lurch to some extent, some would say."  Co-host Poppy Harlow grills Democrat Sen. Chris Coons, who supports the withdrawal, on the threat to women's rights.


Reid Warns Trump Is JUST LIKE bin Laden, GOP Is Akin to al-Qaeda

April 15th, 2021 5:19 PM

Closing out Wednesday’s ReidOut, MSNBC conspiracy theorist and host Joy Reid reupped a ugly, venomous suggestion that Republicans are the modern-day incarnation of al-Qaeda looking to terrorize the United States with former President Trump as their Osama bin Laden in light of the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Willie Geist Richard Haass MSNBC Morning Joe 4-14-21

MSNBC Demands Expert Explain Himself for Hitting Biden on Afghanistan

April 14th, 2021 10:20 AM

Criticizing it as based on "calendars, not conditions," Richard Haass, in his ever-polite fashion, has ripped President Biden's decision to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of 9/11. On today's Morning Joe, Haass, the show's foreign policy maven and president of the Council on Foreign Relations, predicted the "near certainty" of a "human rights tragedy." He also…


CBS Praises Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal, Discounted Trump’s Peace Deal

April 13th, 2021 9:04 PM

There was some major whiplash on Tuesday's CBS Evening News when it was reported President Biden would announce American’s withdrawal from Afghanistan after more than 20 years. T The whiplash came from the network’s support for troop withdrawals being dependent on the party affiliation of the president behind it. They even discounted the peace deal President Trump struck to give…


CLOWN SHOW: WH Press Corps Embarrass Themselves at Biden Presser

March 25th, 2021 4:38 PM

After 65 days in office, President Joe Biden’s handlers trotted him out for his first formal press conference and, unsurprisingly, the adoring and extremely supportive White House press corps debased themselves with an embarrassing affinity for the far-left administration and questions that largely guided the frail commander-in-chief toward their radical agenda.


WHAT?! Cooper Compares Trump, Supporters to Hutus in Rwandan Genocide

February 9th, 2021 10:54 PM

Tuesday night on CNN, AC360 host Anderson Cooper added to the Jeffrey Zucker-led network’s resume of hate against those they disagree with as he compared former President Donald Trump and his supporters to those that carried out the Bosnian and Rwanda genocides in the 1990s. And to underscore Cooper’s seriousness, a NewsBusters search found that he also leveled these comparisons back on…


Just Why Is MSNBC Trying to Take Away Your Guns?

July 16th, 2020 8:15 AM

MSNBC Live host Stephanie Ruhle invited professional gun control advocate Shannon Watts onto her Wednesday show to discuss recent gun-related news, including the news that the Trump Administration recently lifted the ban on exporting silencers to foreign individuals. According to Watts, this move proves that Trump cares more about Confederate soldiers than he does about American…


McEnany Slams Far-Left NYT Hacks for Harming America, Intel Gathering

June 30th, 2020 6:29 PM

In a last-minute White House press briefing, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany opened Tuesday with a stinging rebuke against the virulently anti-Trump and far-left New York Times, eviscerating their anonymously-sourced Russia stories that have “undermine[d]” not only Donald Trump as commander-in-chief, but also national and global security to disseminate threats.

Joe Scarborough Morning Joe 6-29-20

Joe Scum-borough: Trump Is Either 'Addled' or a Russian Spy!

June 29th, 2020 10:25 AM

Joe Scarborough believes the Trump administration is lying in saying the president wasn't briefed about a reported Russian bounty on US soldiers in Afghanistan. But if indeed the president wasn't informed of the Russian plot, Scarborough offers two execrable explanations for the omission: President Trump is either too "addled," i.e., demented, to make informing him worthwhile. Or, the…

Another Bad Mark for the Elites

March 19th, 2020 6:23 PM
Washington -- There is a new book out that bids fair to win this year's J. Gordon Coogler Award for The Worst Book of the Year, and remember, the year has just begun. The dreadful effort is "The Ones We've Been Waiting For: How a New Generation of Leaders Will Transform America." Its author is Charlotte Alter. The book takes its dreadful title from a dreadful speech given back in 2008 by…

Trump Makes SCORCHING CPAC Speech Mocking the Media, ‘Nutjob’ Maher

March 1st, 2020 8:40 AM
Despite having just addressed reporters and the nation on the coronavirus, President Donald Trump arrived Saturday in National Harbor, Maryland for his CPAC with his fastball. In an 84-minute speech, he reminded attendees, journalists, and viewers that CPAC shifted in the last four years from a gathering of thousands representing differing (and sometimes waring) factions on the right to thousands…

Ruhle Calls Trump's Thanksgiving Visit to Afghanistan a 'Photo-Op'

November 29th, 2019 5:47 PM
Surprise presidential visits to war zones to spend time with the troops during Thanksgiving or other holidays have become a bipartisan tradition that everyone can support.  While most view such visits as a way to honor the troops and express amazement at the amount of planning and secrecy that goes into such trips, MSNBC Live host Stephanie Ruhle took Friday to call Trump's Thanksgiving visit to…

ABC, NBC Taint Trump Thanksgiving Troop Visit With Navy Squabble

November 29th, 2019 12:47 AM
Putting his life at risk by traveling to a war zone, President Trump traveled secretly to Afghanistan to spend Thanksgiving with our troops on the ground, he even served them dinner. It was something special but ABC and NBC refused to check their petty politics at the door. In addition to reporting on his holiday visit, those networks decided to serve up the attacks of former Navy Secretary…