
´AQUÍ LO VAMOS A HONRAR´: Presentadora de Telemundo llora a soldado

September 3rd, 2021 5:12 PM

A medida que transcurrían los horrores de las últimas dos semanas en Afganistán, la cobertura mediática de la catastrófica retirada de Estados Unidos de Kabul no sólo afectó a los televidentes, sino también a quienes los reportaban, como fue el caso de la presentadora de Telemundo Aranxta Loizaga.

Column: 'Fact Checkers' Rush to 'Correct' Grieving Parents (Updated)

September 3rd, 2021 6:10 AM

It was truly shocking when President Biden was caught on video checking his watch at Dover Air Force Base on August 29 as the caskets of American soldiers were unloaded into vans, both and USA Today felt the urgent, throbbing need to claim that the grieving family members who complained were wrong.


USA Today Tried to SMEAR Gold Star Families After Criticism of Biden

September 2nd, 2021 11:16 PM

As NewsBusters reported earlier this week, Gold Star fathers of two of the Marines killing at the Kabul airport during the Afghanistan evacuation spoke out against President Biden in outrage of him disrespecting their sons and looking at his watch during the dignified transfer. Well, on Wednesday, a Biden sycophant at USA Today named Daniel Funke decided he was going to try to drag…


YIKES: Psaki Snaps at Pro-Life Catholic Reporter Over TX Abortion Law

September 2nd, 2021 9:18 PM

Along with the decline of Afghanistan questions continuing into Thursday’s White House press briefing with only 13 being asked, the Texas abortion law gave the liberal media an off-ramp to drop that humanitarian and security disaster as they dedicated roughly 29 questions to defending the left’s rabid support for murder. But when it came to EWTN White House correspondent Owen Jensen standing…

Not So Easy Summertime

September 2nd, 2021 7:13 PM

There once were summertimes when the living was easy, as the song from the Broadway musical “Porgy and Bess” melodically reminds us. But not this summer, not with COVID-19 still spreading dangerously across the land and uncertainty over what happens next after the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. Before the entire world became glued to the internet, social media, and summer TV re-…


Levin Takes the Flamethrower to Biden: ‘You Have Blood On Your Hands!’

September 2nd, 2021 3:05 PM

Mark Levin brought the proverbial flamethrower to Joe Biden on FNC’s Hannity last night as he scolded the President: “You have blood on your hands.” The nationally syndicated talk show host left no part of the administration unscathed for their abandonment of Americans and allies in Afghanistan. 


NBC and CBS DROP Afghanistan, ABC Warns of U.S.-Equipped Taliban

September 2nd, 2021 2:55 PM

After Thursday’s CBS Evening News decided it was time to abandon coverage of President Biden’s Afghanistan debacle, on Thursday, CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today show both made the same decision to ignore the ongoing foreign policy disaster. Only ABC’s Good Morning America managed to provide any Afghanistan coverage, warning viewers that the Taliban had…


Dowd Cheers Biden, Claims U.S. is 'Safe Haven for Terrorists'

September 2nd, 2021 10:00 AM

On Monday's Deadline: White House on MSNBC, frequent guest Matthew Dowd was again oozing praise for Joe Biden over the President's Afghanistan failures as the former ABC analyst also hyperbolically claimed that, like Afghanistan, America is also a "safe haven for terrorists."


SYCOPHANTS! Journos Hail ‘Brave’ Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

September 2nd, 2021 9:35 AM

The following are some of the most shameless attempts by lib journos to turn one of the worst moments in American foreign policy history into a political win for Biden.


Michael Moore ‘So Proud’ of Biden Afghan Debacle: ‘We’re All Blessed'

September 2nd, 2021 8:45 AM

After the last U.S. troops were pulled from Afghanistan, America-hating documentarian Michael Moore got a hero’s welcome Tuesday on MSNBC’s The Beat with Ari Melber. Moore, in turn, treated President Joe Biden like a hero, saying he is “so proud” of him and “we’re all blessed” to have him as our president.


Lemon: 'Stop Beating Up' Biden, 'We Don't Know' If People Were Left

September 1st, 2021 11:24 PM

The liberal media’s fever may have finally broken after spending the last two weeks or so heavily criticizing President Biden’s unmitigated disaster of a withdrawal from Afghanistan. On Wednesday’s edition of his show, CNN’s Don Lemon spent most of the hand-off from Cuomo Prime Time demanding people be “level-headed” and “stop beating up on” the President. He even went so far as to…


Tag-Team: Heinrich, Ramos Grill Psaki Over Biden’s Afghan Call

September 1st, 2021 10:07 PM

The continued decline of substantive Afghanistan questions continued on Wednesday’s edition of The Psaki Show with a shift towards the coronavirus and Texas’s abortion law, but ABC’s Stephanie Ramos and Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich kept up the heat with questions for Press Secretary Jen Psaki on the embarrassing collapse of the country following a two-decade war. Specifically, they honed in on a…

PEOPLE Loads 5 Pages on Afghanistan, With One Lame, Vague Biden Quote

September 1st, 2021 9:57 PM

The cover of the September 6 issue of People magazine is all about actor Val Kilmer and his “harrowing cancer battle.” But there in the table of contents was this surprise on page 50: “Crisis in Afghanistan: Veterans and refugees reflect on the end of America’s longest war.” This was amazing: in five pages of text and pictures, Biden only shows up in one pull quote: "The scenes...they…


CBS Moves on from Afghan Debacle, ABC Forgets Americans Left Behind

September 1st, 2021 8:43 PM

Unbelievably, the CBS Evening News thought the day after President Biden’s arbitrary deadline to get Americans out of Afghanistan was the perfect time to drop the subject completely. There was absolutely no mention of Afghanistan on their Wednesday newscast but they found the time to dedicate over two minutes (2:05) to bashing and decrying Texas’s new pro-life law. And while they…