
NBC’s Richard Engel Pans Obama’s ISIS Speech As ‘Wildly Off-Base’

September 11th, 2014 7:07 AM
After President Obama’s speech to the nation on Wednesday night, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow asked NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel what he thought of President Obama’s analogy that the U.S. strategy in fighting terrorism in Yemen and Somalia would carry over to dealing with the Islamic terrorist group ISIS in both Iraq and Syria. Needless to say, Engel was not at all pleased with…

AP, LA Times and USA Today All Avoid Naming Obama in Stories on Libya

September 4th, 2014 3:38 PM
The establishment press is working mightily to shield President Barack Obama from blame for, or even association with, decisions he has made and actions he has taken — unilaterally and with dubious constitutional authority in many instances. One particularly egregious example is Libya. When Obama decided on his own to engage in "kinetic miliitary action" to topple Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the…

Charles Pierce: GOP’s Obstruction of Obama’s Agenda Has Caused Mas

September 3rd, 2014 9:45 PM
Plenty of commentators have predicted that Republicans will pick up seats in this fall’s midterm elections, but haven’t opined whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Then there’s Esquire’s political blogger Charles Pierce, whose gloomy forecast for the midterms is that “the power of the insane party will likely be enhanced.” In a Tuesday post, Pierce lamented the impact of Republican…

Hannity Spars With Islamist Who Claims ISIS Atrocities Are Western 'Fa

August 28th, 2014 4:44 PM
Sean Hannity confronted Anjem Choudary on his Fox News Channel program on Wednesday over the Islamist's unapologetic support of ISIS. The two repeatedly talked over each other, with the American talk show host hounding Choudary if he supported the terrorist group's genocidal campaign in Iraq and Syria. The U.K.-based radical Muslim contended that the multiple account of atrocities by ISIS…

Joe 'Gaffe-omatic' Biden Strikes Again, Calling Africa a 'Nation'; AP

August 6th, 2014 12:37 AM
They had to invent Sarah Palin's supposedly most embarrassing gaffe when she was the vice-presidential nominiee in 2008. She never said, "I can see Russia from my house!" Comedienne Tina Fey did. As noted at NewsBusters several days ago, that hasn't altered the folklore. You don't have to invent gaffes for Joe Biden, the man who became Vice President after the 2008 election. He generates them…

NBC's Guthrie Tougher on Ohio Band Director Than Obama Advisor Susan R

August 5th, 2014 10:27 AM
On Tuesday's Today, Savannah Guthrie had an exclusive interview with Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, but rather than grill the controversial administration official on a variety of international crises, the NBC host merely tossed softballs. Meanwhile, about thirty minutes later, Guthrie interrogated former Ohio State University marching band director Jonathan Waters on being fired…

GMA, Today Yawn at Christian Escaping Sudan, Death Sentence for Her Ch

July 25th, 2014 5:10 PM
On Friday, both ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today ignored the news that Meriam Ibrahaim, a Sudanese woman who was sentenced to death in Sudan for converting from Islam to Christianity and marrying a Christian man, fled Sudan with an Italian diplomat on an Italian jet to Rome Thursday and received a blessing from Pope Francis in a private meeting at the Vatican. Meanwhile, CBS This…

Tale of Two Conflicts: Palestinian Chest Injury vs. Hundreds Killed by

July 21st, 2014 2:44 PM
Dear Guardian, thanks for making this easy! Rarely are a media outlet’s prejudices and blinkered sense of moral equivalence more in evidence than in two stories on the left-wing British newspaper’s site. Exhibit A: A 461-word July 19 story picked up from the AP. Boko Haram killed more than 100 people when the Islamist group entered a town in North Eastern Nigeria on July 20. They “attacked…

CBS Shamelessly Hypes Climate Change Will Cause More Turbulence For Ai

July 16th, 2014 9:42 PM
Wednesday's CBS Evening News unsurprisingly spotlighted a recent study that asserted that turbulence will become more common due to climate change during a news brief about the injuries on an international flight that encountered such unsettled air. Anchor Scott Pelley played up how "one British study predicts that this kind of turbulence will increase significantly in the future because of…

Daily Beast Slams Christian Group for Spreading 'Homophobia' in Africa

July 7th, 2014 3:48 PM
Jay Michaelson unleashed at Cru, the evangelical Christian group formerly called Campus Crusade for Christ, in a Monday item on Daily Beast for supposedly being "involved in some of the meanest homophobia-for-export in Africa." Michaelson, who did little to hide his contempt for orthodox/traditional Christians, contended that Cru was part of a "vast right-wing conspiracy to export homophobia to…

This Bites: Networks Devote 14 Minutes to Soccer ‘Chomp’; Pass on

June 25th, 2014 1:22 PM
The scene: a network newsroom in Manhattan, editorial meeting for the June 24 evening broadcast. “Hey, what about this story of Meriam Ibrahim? Looks like Sudan released her and then rearrested her.” “Meh, another African Christian condemned by Muslim fanatics to death for her faith, yada, yada, yada. We need something really important, that cuts right to the fundamental conflicts and…

CNN’s Erin Burnett Rushes To Defend Hillary Clinton During Interview

June 17th, 2014 10:31 PM
CNN host Erin Burnett did her best to provide cover for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the issue of Benghazi during a highly combative interview with Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Cruz appeared on Erin Burnett OutFront on Tuesday, June 17 and was immediately met with a barrage of questions from the CNN host in which she defended Ms. Clinton from numerous criticisms over Benghazi. […

ABC, NBC Reluctant to Name Nigerian Kidnappers as Muslim

June 16th, 2014 10:32 AM
Well, ABC and NBC are acting to type, ever reluctant to call evil by its name when doing so is politically incorrect (and possibly dangerous). Consider both networks’ reporting on the story of the school girls kidnapped last month in Nigeria, and a second, smaller group kidnapped last week. To date, NBC identified the kidnappers of hundreds of Christian girls as Islamist less than 33 percent…

CBS Presses Marco Rubio on Immigration Reform; Hillary's Latest Remark

June 10th, 2014 3:29 PM
Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell questioned Republican Senator Marco Rubio on Tuesday's CBS This Morning over the increase in the number of children illegally entering the U.S., and whether immigration reform is going to be revived in Congress. Rose spotlighted that Rubio received "some political pushback" on the immigration issue, and wondered, "When will we see thorough immigration reform…