Not News at AP, NYT or Politico: Benghazi Emails Showing WH Orchestrat

April 29th, 2014 11:07 PM
This afternoon (late morning Pacific Time), Roger Simon at PJ Media had several reactions to the latest developments in the Benghazi saga, as new evidence surfaced of a White House "effort to insulate President Barack Obama from the attacks that killed four Americans." Simon's press-related assertion: "We will now see if there is even a figment of honesty in our mainstream media ..." Though…

ABC’s This Week Fawns Over Samantha Power During Visit To Rwanda

April 14th, 2014 1:46 PM
On the heels of The Washington Post Magazine’s glowing profile of U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power, ABC’s Terry Moran gushed over the Democrat during her recent visit to Rwanda to pay respects to the genocide that happened there 20 years ago. The segment aired during This Week with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday April 13 and Stephanopoulos began the segment by beaming how “As a journalist,…

Ron Fournier Thinks Harry Reid's 'Lying' Ads Will Cause Dems to 'Pay a

April 10th, 2014 1:03 AM
The National Journal's Ron Fournier appeared on Greta Van Susteren's Fox News show on Tuesday and blasted Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for "making facts up" and "lying" in his non-stop campaign against the eeeeevil Koch Brothers. Bless his naive little heart, Fournier even actually said: "Shame on us if we in the media let him get away with this." "If"? What's all of a sudden…

Sharyl Attkisson: Morell's 'Bizarre' Benghazi Testimony Contradicts Pa

April 3rd, 2014 4:40 PM

On the Thursday edition of WMAL's Mornings on the Mall radio show, Sharyl Attkisson spotlighted the Obama administration's many inconsistencies in their claims about the September 11, 2012 Islamist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. Attkisson outlined, in detail, "all of the different stories told about the talking points" about the terrorist attack. Former Fox News anchor Brian…

Ronan Farrow Condescends: 'Irresponsible' Catholic Church Dogma Is 'Co

March 13th, 2014 6:48 PM
MSNBC's Ronan Farrow marked the one-year anniversary of the election of Pope Francis on Thursday by browbeating the Catholic Church for supposedly thwarting the fight against AIDS in the developing world, and for the Church's apparent lack of action in stopping genocide. Farrow played up how "Church social policies often fly in the face of skyrocketing HIV rates," and bemoaned how "the Church…

Sharyl Attkisson Resigns From CBS; Kept Spotlight on Benghazi, Fast an

March 10th, 2014 3:20 PM
Sharyl Attkisson, whose coverage of the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal won CBS Evening News an Edward R. Murrow Award in 2012, and also provided hard-hitting reporting on the September 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, announced her sudden departure from CBS on Monday afternoon in a post on Twitter: "I have resigned from CBS." During an October 2013…

Chris Wallace Calls Out Susan Rice For Skipping Fox, Not Wanting ‘To

February 24th, 2014 8:53 AM
National Security Advisor Susan Rice gave her first televised Sunday interview since her infamous Benghazi interview in 2012 on February 23, and rather than answer tough questions on the terrorist attack, she chose instead to give a softball interview to David Gregory of NBC’s Meet the Press. For his part, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace called out Ms. Rice for her refusal to appear on his…

Chris Matthews: ‘Can I Defend’ Susan Rice

February 23rd, 2014 2:06 PM
Following Meet the Press host David Gregory’s softball interview with former Ambassador Susan Rice, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews rushed to defend Ms. Rice from criticism surrounding the terrorist attack in Benghazi.   Appearing as a panelist on the Sunday show, Matthews eagerly asked Gregory if he could defend Ambassador Rice before pushing the White House talking point that “it was a copycat…

NBC’s David Gregory Plays Nice With Susan Rice On Benghazi

February 23rd, 2014 11:32 AM
For the first time since her infamous 2012 interview, National Security Advisor Susan Rice appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday February 23 to discuss a variety of foreign policy issues, most noticeably Benghazi. Throughout the interview, which focused primarily on the recent violent protests in Ukraine, host David Gregory provided Rice with a variety of softball questions on Benghazi, and…

Christian Brutally Murdered by Muslim Mob in Front of WashPost Reporte

February 10th, 2014 3:15 PM
A Christian man was savagely killed Sunday morning by a Muslim lynch mob in Central African Republic, right in front of a Washington Post reporter. "They cut his neck like a cow," Post reporter Sudarsan Raghavan quoted a relative of the victim, Polin Pumandele. Post print edition editors assigned the story to page A6, giving it a rather bland headline, "Solutions elusive as sectarian violence…

ABC’s David Muir Hypes David Petraeus Endorsement of Hillary Clinton

February 9th, 2014 8:07 PM
A new biography entitled HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton is set to hit bookshelves later this month, and the folks at ABC News have already jumped on a new endorsement for Ms. Clinton that was revealed in the upcoming book. On Sunday night, World News host David Muir jumped all over the “eye opening endorsement” made by General David Petraeus, yet when the endorsement…

ABC’s Karl Hits Tom Cole From Left on ObamaCare, Boosts Hillary on B

February 9th, 2014 12:06 PM
ABC’s Jonathan Karl, alongside Martha Raddatz, filled in for George Stephanopoulos as host of This Week on Sunday February 9 and used the opportunity to hit Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK) from the left on a myriad of issues. As of late, the ABC reporter has been especially tough on the Obama White House, but seemed to relish the opportunity to use Democratic talking points to attack the GOP…

Kirsten Powers on Benghazi: ‘I Don't Understand Why the Administrati

February 4th, 2014 9:24 AM
Liberal columnist and Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers was apparently shocked that the Obama Administration would be stonewalling the public on what happened in Benghazi in 2012. Appearing on Special Report w/ Bret Baier on Monday February 3, The Daily Beast columnist seemed perplexed as to “why the administration can't just tell the truth about this.” [See video below.]

Politico's Jose DelReal Calls Tasteless, Offensive 'BridgeGhazi' Hasht

January 13th, 2014 1:41 AM
Leave it to the left to trivialize the deaths of a U.S. ambassador and other Americans and congratulate themselves on their cuteness while doing so. Leave it to a Politico "fellow", who describes himself as a "reporter" at his LinkedIn profile, to try, along with his conscience-free employer, to promote the effort as a "a new recipe" for "naming scandals" (HT Twitchy):