MSNBC Hosts in Awe of Obama's Africa Trip Making Ailing Mandela Smile

June 25th, 2013 5:26 PM
On Tuesday, successive MSNBC hosts used the failing health of former South African president Nelson Mandela to promote President Obama's upcoming trip to Africa. Daily Rundown host Chuck Todd lead the way when he announced: "We have some developing news that we just have to share. Nelson Mandela's daughter, Zindzi Mandela, tells NBC that she was with Nelson Mandela, that she told him of…

WashPost Reports on 'Kingly Sums' of Obamas' Upcoming Trip to Africa

June 14th, 2013 7:16 AM
The Washington Post raised eyebrows Friday by investigating something the president’s backers would consider lowly “Drudge fodder” – the high costs of Obama’s travel, especially in less developed nations. The headline was “Presidential travel, kingly sums: Document details staggering logistics of Obama trip to Africa.” Reporters Carol Leonnig and David Nakamura added broad details:

AP's Liz Sidoti, Despite Angst Over Obama's 'Credibility,' Still Has B

June 10th, 2013 9:06 PM
When last seen at NewsBusters in February, the Associated Press's Liz Sidoti was talking down to the public about its "collective obsession with the trivial" less than a week after AP reporter Ken Thomas wasted 500 words of print and bandwidth on how Florida Sen. Marco Rubio took a sip of water during a speech. Now Sidoti, who is the AP's National Political Editor, is quite worried --…

Obama Can Now Claim Executive Privilege to Keep Rice From Testifying

June 5th, 2013 10:33 PM
A Google News search on ["Susan Rice" "executive privilege"] (typed exactly as indicated between brackets) returns two stories. The main one is at Fox News, where K.T. McFarland pointed out that President Obama, now that he has appointed Susan Rice to be his National Security Adviser, can invoke executive privilege to keep her from testifying before Congress. The second is at Mediate, and notes…

Susan Rice's Questionable Role in Benghazi Aftermath Now a Passing Det

June 5th, 2013 4:04 PM
Wednesday's CBS This Morning minimized Susan Rice's refuted claims about the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi as they covered her appointment as national security adviser. Charlie Rose and John Dickerson dwelt more on outgoing national security adviser Tom Donilon's term, with Dickerson only vaguely mentioning how Rice was "the focus of so much controversy in the Senate."…

Chris Matthews: 'Killing Islamic People - It's All We Seem To Do These

May 28th, 2013 6:44 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews thinks all America seems to do these days with regard to foreign policy is kill Islamic people. So astonishingly said the Hardball host Tuesday (video follows with transcript and commentary, file photo):

On Obama's In-Your-Face Nuland Promotion, Politico's Epstein Acts As I

May 25th, 2013 4:14 PM
In Thursday and Friday posts at the "Politico 44: A Living Diary of the Obama Presidency," Jennifer Epstein relayed the announcement that President Barack Obama has nominated Victoria Nuland as the next assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. In other words, the President is defiantly giving the person who was integrally involved in altering the Benghazi talking points…

But of Course: For Bloomberg's Al Hunt, 'Scandal' Is a 'Misnomer' for

May 20th, 2013 10:52 PM
Old dog, same old tricks. At Bloomberg Views, Al Hunt, formerly "the executive editor of Bloomberg News, directing coverage of the Washington bureau," referred to the controversies swirling around the White House as "faux scandals" and insisted that ... wait for it ... the Obama administration "is the most scandal-free administration in recent memory." No wonder Bloomberg News developed into…

AP's Espo Runs Defiant Interference for Adminstration: 'Obama Agenda M

May 19th, 2013 8:56 AM
It has only been a week since the Associated Press learned that its reporters' privacy and the confidentiality of their relationships with sources were violated on a massive and unprecedented scale by Eric Holder's Justice Department in April and May of last year. DOJ has admitted that it secretly obtained the call records for 20 personal and business lines used by over 100 AP reporters and…

Romney: ‘I’m Not a Fan of the President

May 18th, 2013 11:53 AM
Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was Jay Leno’s guest on the Tonight Show Friday, and he didn’t have kind things to say about the current White House resident or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At one point in their discussion, Romney said, "I'm not a fan of the president - in case you didn't know that."

WashPost's Kessler Calls Out Obama, Sen. Boxer on Benghazi Lies

May 16th, 2013 4:44 PM
As the Obama administration’s Benghazi narrative begins to crumble, they’ve decided to recycle old talking points in the hope that the news media won't fact-check them. On May 13, during a press conference, President Obama said, “The day after it [Benghazi] happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism.” The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler – in this instance – should be commended…

NRO's Williamson: Conference Question to IRS's Lerner Was Planted

May 15th, 2013 7:30 AM
When I first heard of limp faux apology by the IRS's Lois Lerner on Friday for her tax-exempt division's harassment of Tea Party and conservative organizations, I thought she had done so on a conference call. Well, she did have a conference call with reporters later that day -- the one where she said “I’m not good at math” -- but her original apology occurred at a conference of the Exempt…

Time's Joe Klein Whines Benghazi, IRS Scandals Are Excuse for GOP to

May 13th, 2013 4:13 PM
Liberal Time magazine writer Joe Klein is doubling down on his earlier complaint that the Benghazi cover-up is a "venial, not a mortal, sin" with a May 13 piece entitled, "Not Nixon, Exactly." "I may have swung a bit too hard, putting Barack Obama’s Administration in the same league as Franklin Roosevelt’s and Richard Nixon’s when it comes to the Internal Revenue Service," Klein wrote this…

MSNBC’s Karen Finney Claims GOP Responsible For Benghazi Attack

May 10th, 2013 6:23 PM
Apparently the folks at MSNBC have decided that the Benghazi investigation is merely a political ploy by the GOP to hinder Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions in 2016.  Instead of addressing the substantive issues that potentially resulted in a cover-up surrounding the attack, MSNBC anchors and pundits have been going out of there way to protect the Obama administration and smear…