
CNN's Left-Wing Guests Wildly Distort 'Racist' GOP Debate

December 17th, 2015 4:32 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, left-wing analyst Rula Jebreal and Columbia University's Ahmed Shihab-Eldin unleashed against the Republican presidential candidates, in the wake of Tuesday's CNN debates. Jebreal asserted that Ted Cruz was "nostalgic for Arab dictators," and concluded that "this is racist. This is pure bigotry." She later likened the GOP contenders to the Nazis: "What you are hearing…

CNN's Cuomo Stumbles, Denies 'All Jihadis are Muslim'

December 16th, 2015 1:26 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo made a gaffe regarding the religious faith of ISIS and other similar groups on Wednesday's New Day. When Senator Lindsey Graham accused Donald Trump of "playing into ISIL's hands," Cuomo replied, "Sixty percent of your party agrees with him. They think all jihadis are Muslim." Since jihad is a concept from the Islamic faith, a jihadi, by definition, would indeed be a Muslim…

Mohyeldin: 'Emphasize We Don't Know Identity' of Mali Gunmen

November 20th, 2015 7:22 AM
Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe with coverage of the unfolding terror attack in Mali, and promptly turned to Ayman Mohyeldin for a report. The very first words out of Mohyeldin's mouth were "it's important to emphasize we still don't know the identity of these gunmen who have taken the hotel hostage." Great point, Ayman. I mean, sure, they were yelling Allah Akhbar, and released…

Liberal Guests on CNN: U.S. Has Been 'Racist' To Refugees Since 1939

November 19th, 2015 3:20 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times and liberal analyst Rula Jebreal bewailed the latest poll that found that 53 percent are opposed to letting in 10,000 Syrian refugees. Kristof hyped that "this almost exactly matches up a poll in January 1939 of whether or not to admit 10,000 mostly Jewish children into the retrospect, we clearly acknowledge that was a…

CNN Journalists Blast Nonsensical Obama Admin. Spin on ISIS

November 18th, 2015 3:12 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, CNN kept up their skepticism of the Obama administration's talking points on ISIS. Chris Cuomo noted that "the word from the White House is...that we are having success....How does that make sense, given...we just saw what happened in Paris?" Christiane Amanpour threw cold water on John Earnest's claim that there wasn't a military solution for the terrorist group: "You…

CNN's Bash Badgers Cruz on Obama's 'Shameful' Attack on GOP Candidate

November 17th, 2015 5:37 PM
CNN's Dana Bash hounded Senator Ted Cruz on Tuesday's New Day over President Obama slamming the Republican presidential candidate at a press conference earlier in the day. Bash touted how "President Obama called you out...and he said it was shameful for saying that there should be, effectively, a religious test for refugees — especially since...your family benefitted from the policies of America…

Geraldo Denounces 'Squishy' Obama's 'Malignant Wishful Thinking'

November 17th, 2015 12:18 PM
Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera unleashed on President Obama on Monday's Hannity, after the American leader doubled down on his strategy against ISIS at a press conference earlier in the day. Rivera bluntly stated that "the President's feelings are way too squishy for me," and that "this is malignant wishful thinking on the President's part." He later contended that "to compare them to any…

Amanpour, Analysts Rip Obama on ISIS: 'The Strategy Is Not Working'

November 16th, 2015 5:15 PM
On Monday, CNN's Christiane Amanpour and two of her network's analysts blasted President Obama moments after he ended a press conference where he defended his anti-ISIS strategy. Amanpour underlined that Obama "something that was pretty incredible...that our strategy is working. People do not believe that to be the case. The only strategy that's working is the strategy that he tends to dismiss —…

MSNBC Frets 'Hatred' To Meet French Muslims, Right to 'Take Advantage'

November 14th, 2015 2:40 PM
During Saturday morning's live MSNBC coverage of the Paris terror attacks, Daily Beast Foreign Editor Christopher Dickey worried that "the right wing politicians" in France "are going to do their best to take advantage of it and probably successfully to further divide this country," leading host Tamron Hall to recall concerns that a "tsunami of hatred may await Muslims."

Chris Matthews: Obama Plans to be 'Next Mandela'

November 9th, 2015 8:42 PM
Gag me with a vuvuzela . . . You say, Obama and Mandela. I say, Obama taking flirty selfies at Mandela's memorial service with the Danish PM, much to Michelle's displeasure.  But not Chris Matthews. On this evening's Hardball, Matthews said that Obama's post-presidential goal is to be "the next Mandela." You've got to be [insert unprintable modifier] kidding me.

Obama-Clinton Emails Make His Related Kroft Interview Statements False

October 31st, 2015 11:58 PM
A Friday evening story at the New York Times covered the Obama administration's decision to "try to block the release of a handful of emails between President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton." In it, reporters Michael D. Shear and Michael S. Schmidt demonstrated that President Obama undoubtedly did not tell the truth in his interview with CBS News's Steve Kroft in a 60…

AP Hides Hillary's Smoking-Gun Benghazi Admission to Chelsea

October 25th, 2015 12:45 PM
Those folks at the Associated Press sure are "clever." Those looking for information about Hillary Clinton's damning email to her daughter Chelsea indicating that Mrs. Clinton knew that a planned operation by Al Qaeda — and not an Internet video — was behind the Benghazi attacks which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others trying to save him will find nothing at all at the AP's…

ABC, CBS Skip Zimbabwe Deciding Not to Charge Cecil the Lion’s Shooter

October 12th, 2015 10:37 PM
Following the media frenzy in July over the death of Zimbabwe’s Cecil the Lion, the coverage was decidedly different on Monday evening when ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News failed to inform their viewers of the fact that officials in the authoritarian country would not be pressing charges against American dentist Dr. Walter Palmer for shooting Cecil.

New Daily Show Host Compares Trump to African Autocrats Like Idi Amin

October 2nd, 2015 11:25 PM
Liberal websites were thrilled with new Daily Show host Trevor Noah for comparing Donald Trump to a series of African dictators, including Uganda’s notorious Idi Amin, alleged to be responsible for more than 100,000 deaths during his reign in the 1970s. "What I'm trying to say is Donald Trump is presidential. He just happens to be running on the wrong continent," said Noah, a native of South…