Michael Moore Suggests Bush Fooled Americans Because 'Society of Ignor

March 12th, 2010 2:38 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday’s Joy Behar Show on CNN Headline News, filmmaker Michael Moore continued his recent attacks on Democrats for not delivering more effectively on a left-wing agenda, called out gay Republicans for "hypocrisy," and seemed to suggest that President Bush fooled many Americans because "we have created a society of ignorant and illiterate people."Host Behar started the…

Who Is Harry Knox, and Why Does He Trash the Pope? Media Elite Doesn't

February 6th, 2010 10:56 AM
Harry Knox is not exactly a household name, and the media elite have no interest in making hime one. The media are in the controversy-making business, but not when Barack Obama picks "spiritual advisers" who think condoms are holier than the Pope. Most media outlets have reported nothing on Knox, despite his view that Pope Benedict is "hurting people in the name of Jesus."Some could say Bush's…

On World AIDS Day, Media Won't Acknowledge Bush Successes

December 1st, 2009 12:34 PM
Today is World AIDS Day, on which we reflect on the global epidemic that has taken so many millions of lives and ponder ways in which we can improve world health by combating the terrible illness. In honoring the day, however, some news outlets have neglected to note the tremendous contributions to the AIDS effort undertaken by our last president.MSNBC noted on its website a recent U.N. report…

‘Safe Schools Czar’ Funded Anti-Christian Gay Porn Art Exhibit

October 22nd, 2009 3:11 PM
If we’ve learned anything in recent months, it’s that if you’re a racist, a Marxist, a Maoist, a domestic terrorist or any other variety of anti-American nut, the safest place to be is in the company of Barack Obama. If you can stay off the radar of Fox News and don’t get caught on tape giving advice on running a brothel for fun and profit, you get to influence the most powerful executive in the…

NYT Advocates 'So-called Pullout Method' of Birth Control

July 22nd, 2009 10:58 AM
It is estimated that 20 percent of Americans have a sexually transmitted disease, with teenaged girls showing a higher rate of 26 percent.And the New York Times is advocating the "so-called pullout method" of birth control?Such seems to be the case in Monday's "Withdrawal Method Finds Ally." Readers are warned to proceed with caution as the following seems to defy logic in the year 2009:

BBC: Anti-Gay Attitudes to Blame for High African HIV Rate

July 20th, 2009 10:24 AM
The BBC is reporting on the findings of a Lancet Medical Journal report regarding high HIV rates among gay men in some African countries. The conclusions? Blame anti-gay attitudes. HIV rates among gay men in some African countries are 10 times higher than among the general male population, says research in medical journal the Lancet.The report said prejudice towards gay people was leading to…

Newsweek's Miller Pontificates Against Poor Papal PR; Furthers Discred

May 18th, 2009 11:57 AM
Not only does Pope Benedict XVI have crappy PR, he has absolutely no excuse for it, Newsweek religion editor Lisa Miller informs readers in a May 14 piece written for the May 25 dead-tree edition. Yet while insisting that her advice is submitted "with respect," Miller failed to remove the log from her own eye by considering the role that she and other reporters play in trumping up alleged papal…

Rachel Maddow Hosts DC PC Awards, Because 'Diversity Isn't Diverse Eno

April 2nd, 2009 6:59 AM
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is helping strike another blow for cable "diversity" today by hosting an award ceremony for the media-company AIDS/HIV-awareness group Cable Positive in Washington.Cable Positive chief Steve Villano, a former Mario Cuomo aide, is the kind of political-correctness cop who tends to hound the media because "Diversity Isn't Diverse Enough," because a month isn't enough time…

HIV Researcher, a Self-described Liberal, Defends Pope's Recent Condom

March 23rd, 2009 6:46 PM
A leading HIV researcher -- and self-described liberal -- defends what the pope has said recently about condoms and AIDS. I won't hold my breath for the secular mainstream media to notice, but that's what Christianity Today magazine reported on March 20 with its publication of an e-mail interview between deputy managing editor Tim Morgan and the director of Harvard's AIDS Prevention Research…

Time's Israely Laments Pope's 'Inflammatory Rhetoric

March 19th, 2009 2:39 PM
Time magazine's Jeff "The pope's a Scrooge" Israely is at it again, lecturing Benedict XVI on his "inflammatory rhetoric."Israely joins CNN's Jack Cafferty, Washington Post/Newsweek's "On Faith", and PBS's Bonnie Erbe in the bash-Benedict choir's latest oratorio. His March 19 article evaluated the pontiff's recent comments on condoms and HIV/AIDS as "candor over P.R.", lamenting Benedict's word…

CNN's Jack Cafferty: Catholic Church Must 'Drag Itself Out of the 13th

March 19th, 2009 11:00 AM
Seemingly not satisfied with bashing the likes of former President Bush or Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, CNN commentator Jack Cafferty took aim at a more international target on Wednesday’s Situation Room -- Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church. He joined PBS’s Bonnie Erbe and the Washington Post’s On Faith webpage in attacking the pontiff’s recent comment against the effectiveness of condoms…

PBS's Erbe: Pope Benedict 'Horrifically Ignorant

March 18th, 2009 5:47 PM
Hell hath no fury like a feminist writer directing a hissy fit at the pope.Bonnie Erbe -- the US News & World Report contributing editor and PBS "To the Contrary" host who argued that Bristol Palin is more "mature" than her abstinence education-advocating mother -- finds the pope "horrifically ignorant" when it comes to HIV/AIDS. What exactly did the pontiff say that set Erbe off? Try, "AIDS…

Bozell Column: Sex and the Single Priest

February 21st, 2009 9:12 PM

ABC: Is CNN’s Gupta Qualified for Surgeon General

January 11th, 2009 1:03 AM
On World News Saturday, during the show’s "A Closer Look" segment, ABC anchor David Muir gave attention to those who question whether CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta has sufficient qualifications to be Barack Obama’s surgeon general. Muir even played a clip of David Letterman poking fun at Gupta twice during the show: "The choice, it was between a Gupta, Dr. Phil, and a guy on Scrubbs. I don’t know what…