HuffPost: 'God Bless Bill Maher

March 27th, 2009 2:41 PM

So Much for Unity: Obama-Backing Hip Hop Mogul Boasts He Loves Cop-Kil

January 29th, 2009 4:35 PM

NBC Avoids Nipplegate, Nixes PETA's Sexy Super Bowl Ad

January 27th, 2009 12:03 PM
The good folks at NBC, clearly wanting to avoid a "Nipplegate" replay, will not air animal rights group PETA's hyper-sexual television ad during Sunday's Super Bowl.When you see it, you'll know why. For those that have forgotten, on February 1, 2004, during the halftime festivities of Super Bowl XXXVIII, singer Janet Jackson had a "wardrobe malfunction" revealing her naked breast to a startled…

Barney-Bashing: GMA Kicks W's Dog

January 11th, 2009 9:55 AM
On a day when GMA ran two warm-'n-fuzzy items about Barack Obama, the ABC show found yet another way to hit President Bush—literally and figuratively stooping to bash Barney, the presidential pooch.  Relying on some ambiguous remarks by an aide to Pres. Bush, weekend co-anchor Bill Weir declared that "Barney's a jerk" and "everyone hates him."View video here.Weir teased the segment in the show's…

Entertainment Show Promotes Lefty Whale-Saving Cause

January 6th, 2009 10:41 AM
"Access Hollywood's" nightly fare is usually devoted to the latest celebrity rumors, box office bombs, and red carpet fashion. But on January 2nd, the TV tabloid became a broadside for a liberal environmental cause.  Access Hollywood gave glowing coverage - and one minute, 17 seconds of air time -- to "Save the Whales Again," a pet cause of spokesperson and teen actress Hayden Panettiere.In…

The Obvious-Crotch-Jokes Ending of

December 31st, 2008 1:00 PM

Collins: Palin a 'Moose-Murderer

December 6th, 2008 7:32 AM
Though O.J. Simpson was sentenced for robbery and related crimes yesterday, thirteen years ago he walked on a double-murder charge. That might be an isolated case, but Gail Collins apparently believes there are tens of millions of murderers roaming free in America.  We call them by a different name: hunters.Collins made her inane hunting = murder analogy in her column today in the course of…

When You Say ‘Zoo,’ Elephants Hear ‘Guantanamo Bay

December 4th, 2008 2:19 PM
Sometimes you have to laugh at the overwrought emotion that Hollywood celebrities bring to their causes. In a story on Thursday’s Today (in the supposedly hard news 7am half hour), KNBC reporter Robert Kovasic reported on a debate in Los Angeles about whether to spend $40 million to renovate and enlarge the elephant compound at the Los Angeles Zoo, or instead create a 100-acre elephant preserve…

The Biz Flog – Oil in ANWR

July 16th, 2008 4:36 PM
Although media reports on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) usually contain majestic pictures of animals frolicking, few mention the financial benefits and public support for drilling there. “[T]he 1.5-million-acre tip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is critical for the health of an ancient caribou herd,” weatherman Sam Champion said on the May 6 “Good Morning America.” “It…

Vermont Teacher Tells 4th-Grade Hunter She Won't Abide 'Killing' Talk

June 21st, 2008 2:25 PM

AP: Polar Bears Will Save Us From Global Warming

May 16th, 2008 12:50 PM
In a May 15 article, Associated Press writer H. Josef Hebert practically cheered the addition of polar bears to a federal “threatened species” list thought of the subjectively positive effects this could have on the global warming debate: “The massive and powerful furry creature that lumbers across the Arctic ice may accomplish what 20 years of environmental activism has not done: force the…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Offers Opposing Side in Global Warming Debate

May 14th, 2008 3:22 PM
In a rare case of balance, Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show" highlighted both sides in the debate over declaring the polar bear an endangered species due to global warming as correspondent Daniel Sieberg declared: "They're at the top of the food chain at the top of the world, but their future is at the center of a political tug-of-war over drilling for oil versus protecting their habitat."Sieberg…

Where’s the Beef? It Doesn’t Matter, It’s Bad for the Environmen

May 14th, 2008 3:07 PM
It's the sort of thing you would see on propaganda passed out by animal rights activists at a global warming rally, but somehow the message has infiltrated the mainstream. ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" told viewers on May 13 to curb beef consumption to lower greenhouse gas emissions. "You are staring into the face of one thing scientists say you can do to fight climate change," ABC…

HuffPo Slams NBC for Not Sensationalizing Eight Belles' Derby Death

May 5th, 2008 3:18 PM
On the heels of accusations that the media exploited the death of 2006 Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro, now there are cries that NBC didn't spend enough time on Eight Belles' death. After her second-place finish in Saturday's Derby, the three-year-old filly snapped both ankles and was euthanized by a vet on the track. Ruth Hochberger is one of the voices criticizing NBC for their “abysmal” coverage…