Newsweek Wrings Hands Over Deadly Force on Pirates

April 17th, 2009 12:11 PM
Oh, the Navy's gone and done it. They've made the pirates angrier, and hence more dangerous.Newsweek's Mark Hosenball and Michael Isikoff predicted in their April 15 piece that the future of pirate encounters off the Horn of Africa will only result in more "Blood in the Water," because it will "radicalize the [Somali] population" according to some insurance and shipping experts.Before the demise…

CNN Smears 'Right Wing' As Nazis

April 15th, 2009 2:50 PM
**UPDATE ADDED BELOW!** Recycling the mid-1990s liberal smear campaign against grassroots conservatism, CNN has posted an article on the new DHS threat report complete with a Getty Images photo (shown at right) of neo-Nazi and white supremacist flags.If the report were about Nazi extremists, that picture would be warranted. However, the DHS report warns against an amorphous “right-wing extremism…

AP Writers Seem Sympathetic to 'Pirates' in Latest Dispatch

April 14th, 2009 10:33 AM
In a report this morning  on the situation off the coast on Somalia, Associated Press reporters Elizabeth A. Kennedy and Paul Jelinek seemed oddly sympathetic to the cause of the terrorists in training the world insists on calling "pirates," almost to the point of grudging admiration. Check out some of the words the AP pair used in their 9:15 a.m. dispatch (saved at host for fair use and…

'Star Trek' Cast Visits Soldiers in Kuwait, Media Couldn't Care Less

April 13th, 2009 10:47 AM
When Hollywood movies and their stars trash America's brave soldiers, the anti-war press can't give them enough attention.Yet, when cast and crew members of the soon to be released prequel of the sci-fi classic "Star Trek" visited service men and women in Kuwait on Saturday, newsrooms across the fruited plain couldn't care less.Spc. Howard Ketter filed this report shortly after the event…

NY Times Rushing to Say Pirates Show America's 'Power Limits

April 10th, 2009 5:25 AM
In what almost seems a gleeful pronouncement, The New York Times trumpeted America's powerlessness over the recent capture by pirates of a captain of a U.S. run freighter on the high seas. With an April 9 headline that blares, "Standoff With Pirates Shows U.S. Power Has Limits," the Times almost seems to revel in that taking down of an arrogant America by mere pirates in power boats. It's quite…

Decorated Fmr. Staff Sergeant Fires Back at Bill Maher for Rapist Joke

March 31st, 2009 10:49 AM
It might be par for the course, but liberal cable talk show host Bill Maher has once again done his best to offend with a distasteful and insensitive wisecrack about the U.S. military. Maher launched into a rant on his March 27 HBO show, "Real Time with Bill Maher" about American soldiers still stationed in Germany and Japan and took a swipe at the soldiers, insinuating they were rapists. "…

Anti-war Article Highlights T-shirt With Bush's Brain Spilling Out

March 21st, 2009 10:43 PM
Despite being in so much financial trouble it could be facing extinction, the San Francisco Chronicle continues to be one of the most disgraceful newspapers in the country.In a piece dealing with Saturday's anti-war protest held in the City by the Bay, the authors disgustingly felt the need to share with their readers a truly offensive t-shirt that was for sale at the event (file photo):

Olbermann: Bush Admin Members Should Be “In Hell” for Ignoring Pre

March 7th, 2009 7:28 PM
On the December 9, 2008, Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann charged that Bush administration members – whom he did not specify by name but presumably President Bush was meant to be included – deserve to be "in hell," as he cited a report that a post-war insurgency in Iraq using roadside bombs to attack U.S. troops had been predicted by the U.S. military before the invasion. During the…

CBS Incorrectly Claims Israel Used ‘Banned Weapon,’ Ignores Hamas

January 26th, 2009 2:16 AM
On Thursday’s CBS Evening News, Katie Couric incorrectly called one of the munitions reportedly used by the Israeli military a "banned weapon," and, after ignoring numerous violations of international law perpetrated by Hamas, relayed charges that Israel may have committed "war crimes." Referring to Israel’s alleged use of white phosphorus in Gaza, Couric introduced the report: "Hamas gave a…

O’Reilly Slams NYTimes and NBC News for 'Disgusting Display of Propa

January 16th, 2009 3:04 PM
On Wednesday’s The O’Reilly Factor, during the show’s "Talking Points Memo," FNC host Bill O’Reilly slammed the New York Times and NBC News, presumably referring to MSNBC hosts like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, accusing them of having "damaged their own country in a disgusting display of propaganda and outright lies" by "convincing the world that the USA is a nation of torture, a country…

Milblogger Michael Yon Considers Suing Michael Moore

January 15th, 2009 11:51 AM
Having just won the 2008 Weblog Award for Best Military Blog, Michael Yon is considering filing a lawsuit against schlockumentarian Michael Moore.Since last May, Yon has been trying without success to get Moore to remove from his website an award-winning picture the milblogger took back in 2005 (photo available here).Yon explained the situation to his readers on Monday (photo courtesy AP via NYP):

Maureen Dowd Bares Bitter-Ending Bush- and Cheney-Despising Fangs, Onl

January 11th, 2009 8:35 PM
When historians look back in wonder at how a long-established publication like the New York Times could have declined from its virtual king-of-the-world status in mid-2002 to its Bush-deranged, 85%-devalued shadow of its former self, they will surely make a few stops at Maureen Dowd's twice-weekly, lost-in-another-world columns (the Dowd picture is from the Times's web site).Today's offering from…

Roseanne Barr: Destruction of Jews in Israel Assured by Gaza Attacks

December 31st, 2008 11:38 AM
Comedienne Roseanne Barr called Israel a "NAZI state" Tuesday, while declaring "The destruction of the jews [sic] in Israel has been assured with this inhuman attack on civilians in gaza [sic]."She also liked Hamas to a bunch of street gangs while depicting Israel's military action "equivilent to los angeles [sic] attacking and launching war on the people of watts [sic] to attempt to kill the…

CNN Lends Credence to Protestors Embellishment

December 30th, 2008 12:17 PM
Urgent:  Update Below the Fold!CNN, as is their typical style, has ignored facts and reality when reporting an incident involving an encounter with a Gaza relief boat, and an Israeli patrol boat.  Karl Penhaul, a CNN correspondent aboard the pleasure yacht known as Dignity, and frequently on the wrong side of an issue, was pretty much allowed carte blanche in recalling the incident -- an incident…