Netroots Equate Religious US Soldiers to Hamas Homicide Bombers

December 23rd, 2007 8:03 PM
How much do you have to hate your country, Christianity, and the military to actually believe that religious United States soldiers are similar to Hamas homicide bombers?Regardless of the answer, such was the case made by Truthout Senior Editor Jason Leopold Friday, as well as in a recommended diary at the liberal website Daily Kos Sunday.*****Update at end of post: Daily Kos FAQ section cautions…

Antiwar Tidings in AP’s Top News Stories of

December 22nd, 2007 12:09 PM
It's Christmas, the surge is undeniably working, and December, 2007, could end up being the least violent month in Iraq since America invaded in March, 2003. Despite all that, the Associated Press, in an article published Thursday dealing with the top news stories of the year, couldn't restrain its antiwar proclivities, and, instead, chose to put a lump of coal under everybody's tree. Bah,…

Jim Moran's 'Ethnically Cleansed' House Floor Comment Ignored by Media

December 21st, 2007 9:00 AM
The improving situation in Iraq is driving certain congressmen and congresswomen to rhetorical depths I don't recall ever seeing. Though there have almost surely been other instances of offensive excess on the House Floor over the Iraq War, we've recently been treated to at least the following: Pete Stark (D-CA), October -- "You don't have money to fund the war or children,'' Stark said. "But you…

MRC/NB's Noyes Looks at War Coverage Study, NBC Ad on O'Reilly

December 10th, 2007 6:15 PM
MRC Director of Research and NewsBusters Senior Editor Rich Noyes appeared Monday night on the "O'Reilly Factor" to discuss his findings in the December 4 Media Reality Check, "Good News = Less News on Iraq War."Noyes also discussed NBC's reversal of its decision to reject an ad urging viewers to remember the troops over the holidays.As we previously noted, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly cited the…

NBC to Air Freedom’s Watch Ads, AP Seems Displeased

December 9th, 2007 10:58 AM
Looking to head off even more controversy, NBC announced Saturday that it has reversed its decision to not show ads supporting the troops during the holidays. Yet, that didn't seem to please the Associated Press which in its article concerning this u-turn chose to depict Freedom's Watch as "a group backed by wealthy Republican fundraisers" that is "critical of liberals." Was this the…

NBC Lawyer Who Blocked Pro-Troops Ad Gives Generously to Dems

December 8th, 2007 8:02 PM
The recent NBC kerfuffle involving the rejection of ads supporting the troops during the holidays continues to get more and more interesting. Now, it appears one of the attorneys involved in the decision gives generously to Democrats. As reported by Michael Brady of the Majority Accountability Project:

NBC Double Standard: Today Show Aired Antiwar Ad by

December 8th, 2007 12:59 PM
As NewsBusters reported Friday, television network NBC has decided not to run ads thanking and supporting America's troops stationed overseas during the holidays.*****Update: Drudge is reporting that NBC has capitulated due to "pressure from outraged viewers." Stay tuned... The sticking point according to NBC's head of standards and policies Alan Wurtzel was that Freedom's Watch "insisted that…

NBC Refuses to Run Support the Troops Ads During Holidays

December 7th, 2007 3:05 PM
A conservative organization known as Freedom's Watch has had its advertisements rejected by NBC. What was the heinous content of these ads?A show of support and thanks to America's troops serving around the world during the holidays.I kid you not.As reported moments ago by the Associated Press (emphasis added):

FNC's O'Reilly Highlights MRC Study: As Iraq Improves, Coverage Falls

December 7th, 2007 9:44 AM
FNC's Bill O'Reilly on Thursday night centered his "Talking Points Memo" around the findings in the MRC's Media Reality Check study released earlier this week, "Good News = Less News on Iraq War: As Surge Succeeds and Casualty Rates Fall, ABC, CBS and NBC Lose Interest In Iraq War." O'Reilly pointed out how U.S. casualties and violence are way down from six months ago. Then, citing the MRC's…

Media Slowly Coming to Cover New Republic Beauchamp Retractions

December 4th, 2007 12:56 PM
The TNR saga is slowly seeping into the media, with posts this morning at the Washington Post and the New York Times, in addition to last night's mention in the New York Observer. Not a single one of these outlets discusses the fact that Franklin Foer spent the better part of 13 pages alleging a military conspiracy spanning four bases in three countries involving dozens of soldiers, from…

Antiwar Film ‘Lions for Lambs’ Could Lose $25 Million

December 1st, 2007 12:24 PM
You would think this the perfect formula for a blockbuster movie: megastars Tom Cruise, Robert Redford, and Meryl Streep teaming up to flood theaters with an antiwar film just in time for the holidays. Well, think again, for it appears that this much-anticipated film, featuring the much-anticipated return of Tom Cruise to the big screen, is a bigger bomb than anything the enemy has been able…

'Knight Rider' Rides Again-- This Time Fights Military Contractors

November 30th, 2007 7:45 AM
UPDATE BELOW: See the the new KITTWho's Hollywood's latest Big Bad Villain? Private military contractors--giving rise to a new version of Derangement Syndrome: Blackwater Derangement Syndrome or BwDS.Echoing lefty rage at Blackwater, TV shows from “Boston Legal” to “Jericho” have turned contractors into the bad guys.NBC's upcoming two-hour movie/backdoor pilot “Knight Rider” is no different, but…

Psychiatric Polling of the Press

November 29th, 2007 1:35 PM
The surveyor will see you now      Journalist and Pollster (Either Or)As an increasing number of Americans exhibit knowledge of and confidence in the success of the surge in Iraq, pollsters seeking a gloomier picture have turned to their single most reliable focus group for bad news.  They have in fact skipped the middle men and women and gone to its very font: the media.In a November 28th…

Karl Rove’s Astounding Interview with Charlie Rose

November 23rd, 2007 12:37 AM