Dowd, On Iraq, Longs For Good Old Days Of Surrender to Communist Dicta
November 25th, 2006 6:01 AM
Maureen Dowd: law-and-order fan? And here I thought liberals like to pose as champions of human rights . . . But consider Dowd's idea of an Iraq solution: find brutal dictators to whom we can surrender and who will impose "law and order." Working model: the US capitulation to the Communist dicators of Hanoi.The title of her subscription-required column of this morning, No One to Lose To, says…
L'Chayim! Globe Suffers Memory Loss about Clinton Admin's Direct Talks
October 11th, 2006 8:45 AM
To judge by its political cartoon of this morning, the Boston Globe apparently believes that if only the Bush administration had engaged in direct talks with North Korea, it could have prevented Kim from building his bomb.Let's leave aside that the Bush administration has in fact been talking to North Korea. Indeed, the president was proceeding in precisely the way the MSM usually implores him…