Gainor Column: Time to Focus on Real Star of Christmas

December 24th, 2010 7:33 AM
More than nine out of 10 Americans celebrate Christmas - even atheists, agnostics or believers in other faiths, according to surveys by LifeWay Research and USA TODAY/Gallup. They might be roasting chestnuts over an open fire, decking the halls with boughs of holly or trying to get the Chipmunks Christmas song out of their heads, but they are celebrating.

Behar & Maher Fret ‘Tragedy’ That Jimmy Carter ‘Vilified,’ IQ

October 1st, 2010 3:05 AM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday’s Joy Behar Show on HLN, comedian Bill Maher praised Jimmy Carter as "a better proponent of what Democrats actually believed in," and asserted that it was "fantastic" when Carter bragged about never taking military action against anyone during his tenure, as the HBO host complained about the modern day Democratic party. Maher: "He was a better proponent of what…

PJ O'Rourke's Problem With Evolution: Look at Democrats - That's Evolv

September 29th, 2010 12:30 AM
Since Bill Maher released a video of Christine O'Donnell saying evolution is a myth, the Left and their media minions have been falling all over themselves ridiculing the Republican senatorial candidate from Delaware.Throwing some deliciously cold water on the attacks Tuesday was the Weekly Standard's P.J. O'Rourke.Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball," O'Rourke told the perilously liberal host after…

Ann Coulter Tells Larry King Why People Think Obama Is A Muslim

September 28th, 2010 10:55 AM
Ann Coulter on Monday explained to Larry King why so many Americans think Barack Obama is a Muslim.Appearing on CNN's "Larry King Live" with Professor Marc Lamont Hill, Coulter pointed out how odd it is that this number has increased since Obama was elected, "Usually the truth moves in the opposite direction."She continued, "The answer is because he seems foreign to them, that he's pushing this…

Maher Praises Pat Tillman Brother Richard’s Rip Against Religion fro

September 24th, 2010 11:12 PM
As the actor Richard Tillman – brother of former Army Ranger and former NFL player Pat Tillman – appeared as a guest on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday promoting the film "The Tillman Story" about his brother’s death in Afghanistan, host Maher played a clip from Pat Tillman’s funeral in which Richard Tillman mocked the religious references made at the funeral by speakers Maria Shriver…

Daily Kos: Let's Burn All the Religious Documents in the World

September 12th, 2010 7:08 AM
As liberals tumble over each other extending apologies to Muslims for any American that would even whisper idly about burning a Koran, they should start apologizing for the Daily Kos. On Friday night came a plea from the atheist blogger "qinkilla" to burn all the religious texts, to keep people warm:  I am fine with the Koran being burnt, but only if the Bible and the Torah and any other…

CNN Advocates Watered-down Politically Correct Christianity

August 28th, 2010 9:56 AM
CNN on Friday disgustingly advocated for a watered-down, more politically correct version of Christianity. Highlighted at its website was research from a Princeton theology professor on the state of Christianity among teenagers. The study found that American churches have fallen for PC feel-good morality that's afraid of confrontation - and the result is a generation unable to distinguish…

WaPo Religion Blog Says Biblical Morality 'Illegitimate' on Gay Agenda

August 12th, 2010 3:21 PM
“Bible Schmible!” That’s essentially what an article  on the Washington Post’s “On Faith” blog by Susan Jacoby (aka. The Spirited Atheist) said about the moral and legal issues surrounding same-sex marriage. Jacoby approvingly quoted Judge Vaughn Walker’s recent opinion overturning California’s Proposition 8’s restriction of marriage to a union of a man and woman.“Moral disapproval alone is an…

HuffPo Columnist Celebrates 'Slow, Whining Death' of Christianity

August 10th, 2010 2:46 PM
It's not often you see an obituary as snarky and bitter as the one written by British columnist Johann Hari announcing what he called the "slow, whining death of British Christianity" in the UK edition of GQ and online at The Huffington Post. Citing an unlinked ICM study, which is not available on the organization's website, Hari called on reader to "put your hands together and give thanks, for…

Radical Republicans? Scarier Than Jihadists

July 31st, 2010 11:05 AM
The atheists at the Daily Kos blog just keeping lobbing bombs. On Friday, the blogger with the handle "Something the Dog Said" protested the protests against the Cordoba Center mosque at Ground Zero. After predictably assigning the anti-abortion shooters to the Christian conservative camp, the Kosmonaut actually said the Muslims are "a pale reflection" of radicalism compared to Republicans: In…

WaPo: Bristol Palin Is Fair Game for Insults, Since Her Mother Lives I

July 27th, 2010 6:59 AM
The "Spirited Atheist" of The Washington Post, Susan Jacoby, predictably trashed Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston as not only "poster children for the dumbing down of America" and as "most middle-class American parents' worst nightmare," but proof of what happens when religious people show off their contempt for book learning: Although the children of politicians are generally off-limits, Bristol…

Daily Kos: Take Legal Action to 'End Organized, Institutionalized Reli

July 25th, 2010 7:45 AM
For all the daily talk on the Daily Kos that conservatives are dictatorial, their cast of bloggers isn't without grand designs for social control. Take this post: "Time to begin working for the death of religion (a rant)." The diarist "BlueMoon" expressed no attempt to disrupt free speech, but the "end of organized religion" must be attempted: However, the time has come to begin work to actively…

Washington Post: Independence Day an Atheist Holiday

July 6th, 2010 11:06 AM
Someone get Lee Greenwood on the phone; he's going to want to know about this. In a front-page Style section report July 5, The Washington Post breathed a sigh of relief that Independence Day gives Americans a break from those God-heavy holidays like Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. "The trouble with most major holidays in the United States, if you're an atheist, is that it's difficult to…

USA Today Touts Atheist Summer Camp

July 2nd, 2010 11:41 AM
USA Today recently gave free advertising in the form of a 900-word profile to a summer camp, Camp Quest. But unlike other summer camps, however, Camp Quest is for children of atheists and agnostics. In “Summer camp caters to kids of atheists, agnostics,” Meredith Heagney touted Camp Quest as being just like any other summer camp, but she admitted that, while there is an “emphasis on open-…