Time: Sunday School for Atheists

November 26th, 2007 8:55 PM
Will Time magazine come and cover MY Sunday school class? You know, the one where I teach my kids that their Christian faith is under attack on a weekly, if not daily, basis from the mainstream media?I think its a valid question because Time just did a lovely send-up to a Sunday School for ..... atheists. Yep. Seems the atheists, or rather humanists, in Palo Alto, California think believers…

PBS Slammed For Error-Laden 'Nova' Episode

November 18th, 2007 1:32 AM

Rock Star Dave Matthews on God: 'More Irritating Than Santa Claus

November 16th, 2007 11:21 PM

Bozell Column: The Christmas-Crushing Movie

November 11th, 2007 6:37 AM

Bill Maher: I Hope the Next Dem President Lies About Sacrifice

November 10th, 2007 11:41 AM
For Rolling Stone’s 40th anniversary magazine, one of the celebrities interviewed was the atheist, leftist HBO comedian/pundit Bill Maher. Even as Maher has long professed his support for Bill Clinton's sexual freedom (remember this gig as Clinton's talking little Willy?), he still says of Hillary, "F— them and their Clinton baggage...when the Democrats want a sure winner, John Edwards looks like…

ABC Equates 'Christian Right' With 9-11 Terrorists as Driving People t

September 30th, 2007 9:23 AM
ABC may have set a loathsome new MSM low in insulting traditional Christians. On today's "Good Morning America," the network lumped the "Christan right" with the 9-11 Islamic terrorists as driving people to atheism.Keying off an atheists convention being held this weekend, GMA ran a segment on the "Rise in Atheism." Seeking to explain the phenomenon, as images rolled first of the WTC in flames…

Bill Maher: ‘I Love America; It’s Americans I Can’t Stand

July 22nd, 2007 5:51 PM
As if allowing this anti-American Bush-hater to have his own series wasn't enough, the brilliant folks at HBO decided to give Bill Maher another comedy special to rail against all things conservative. For those on the left hoping for some truly vile attacks on the GOP, Saturday's "Bill Maher: The Decider" surely must have hit the spot. In fact, of the 60 minutes Maher was given, upwards of 40…

Dem Congressman Compares President Bush to Hitler, Media Mum (Updated

July 16th, 2007 4:43 PM
A rather disturbing event occurred in a Minnesota library last Sunday: Freshman Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) compared President Bush to Adolf Hitler, while implying that the White House was involved in the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11.Didn’t hear about this? Well, how could you? After all, no major, mainstream media outlet other than Fox News and CNN thought it was newsworthy…

Matthews Criticizes Catholic Church for Applying Doctrine to Politicia

June 28th, 2007 7:02 PM
Maybe this afternoon's oppressive heat and humidity on the Hardball Plaza in DC were getting to Chris Matthews. I'm not sure how else to explain his complaint, to the effect that it is wrong of the Roman Catholic Church to apply its rules to politicians as it does to other adherents.His remark came in the course of a debate on religion on this afternoon's edition of "Hardball" between…

PBS Explores Separation of Church and State in New Documentary

June 18th, 2007 10:56 AM
This may come as a surprise to many religious Americans in the country: PBS this month is broadcasting a documentary presenting both sides of the controversial issue of the “separation of church and state.”As many of you know, this has been an ongoing debate for decades as to when this term first appeared, and what the Founding Fathers’ intent truly was concerning government involvement in…

Hitchens Tears Apart Hedges in Debate on War and Religion

June 6th, 2007 1:15 AM
A battle of wits between two men named Christopher took place in Berkeley, California, on May 24. Unfortunately, one contestant came embarrassingly unequipped, so much so that by the end, he chose to not even respond.Break out the cashews and your favorite libation, sports fans, because this debate between former New York Times Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges, and the never at a loss for words…

Bill Maher's Blasphemy: Comparing Gay Sex to Holy Communion

May 21st, 2007 3:28 PM

Chicago Sun-Times Writer: Jerry Falwell Was A Spiritual Bully, Like To

May 18th, 2007 11:11 AM

Female Surgeon to CBS: Brinkley Wrong on Falwell View of Women

May 17th, 2007 3:20 PM
CBS News producer/blogger Greg Kandra opened the e-mailbag today to relay to "Couric & Co." readers some negative reaction to the network's coverage of Rev. Jerry Falwell's death. In particular, Kandra quoted from a female Liberty University graduate and vascular surgeon who took issue with historian/guest pundit Douglas Brinkley's assessment of Falwell's views on women. In an appearance on…