Bias by Omission
NBC Groans About Calls to Investigate Biden: No ‘Huge Appetite’ for It
RNC Head DESTROYS ABC’s Raddatz on Media Ignoring Biden Rape Claim
NY Times Media Columnist Wonders Why Tara Reade's Not on TV (Bias)
NBC Ignores Dow's ‘Best Month Since the 1980s'
Kavanaugh Sex Allegations Covered 38X More Than Biden on Latino Nets
Evening Nets End Their Tara Reade Blackout, Come to Biden’s Defense
Keep America Miserable: CBS Scoffs at Thought of Economy Improving
NBC Insists Governments Have ‘Moral Authority’ to Keep You Isolated
Disturbing and authoritarian tendencies were on full display during Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News, as anchor Lester Holt and reporter Gabe Gutierrez decried a gathering of mourning orthodox Jews in New York City recently. And despite cries of anti-Semitism against Mayor Bill de Blasio, the network suggested state and local governments had the “moral authority” to crackdown on public and private…
Ignoring Rape Claim Against Biden, ABC/CBS Cheer Hillary’s Endorsement
CBS Touts GM Making Ventilators, Skips Trump’s Defense Production Call
CBS, NBC Rail Against Red States for Reopening, Shelter Blue States
There's perhaps nothing more elitist than major national journalists whining about unemployed people getting their income back since they don’t need to worry about losing their jobs overnight. But the elitist anger of CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News notably only found select targets Monday night: red states, while states ran by Democrats were largely sheltered from their scorn.